C Monty

and lots of alcoholics don't have cirrhosis, your point being?

no, being fat = objectively bad
ask a doctor or a woman who feels bad all the time because she's fat

Well, it beats diabetes

I'm not mad, it just gets old hearing the same old bitching about how objectively bad things aren't celebrated enough in our ruined culture.

That's not pedantry that's a straight up misrepresentation on the part of the author, assuming you're correct.

It seems to want me to admire them for it but refuse to ever acknowledge in print or otherwise that they are indeed fat.
Don't look at me, I know it's a stupid idea.

Which is it, are fat people being shamed or ignored? Because those are two entirely inconsistent things.

ie the ones the avclub would apparently like us all to be

And how is pretending they're not going to help then?

And yet we've got several thousand words about how we need to admire fat people more and how much the authors LOVE lena dunham for being fat and naked on tv
I mean I get it, it sucks to be fat, but come on, don't just straight deny the reality of the written words you JUST read.

Given the fact that most Americans, male and female, are obese if not morbidly so and heading towards early graves due to complications related to that EXACT thing, maybe a more balanced "don't be mean to fat people just because but also guys maybe carrying around fifty or sixty extra pounds isn't admirable" is in

Protip: he actually is doing really well among minority voters, for a republican
when did liberals become the one's who won't acknowledge reality? I miss the good old Bush days when you could be sure Fox was the worst outlet. Now, jfc it's a clusterfuck out there.

Why in holy fuck would you want to be more than "John Wayne?"
That's like god being pissed he can only be god.

Give me the last scene in the Searchers. Tremendous physical acting. I don't think I've ever seen another actor convey so much with so little.

To be fair to the gun nuts, if you think they're walking around with automatic weapons you are a bit of a tard

ljl, sorry man but you need to grow a beard and leave this one, da/sa means precisely that one does not need to cock any hammer ever and is by far the most common set up for semi autos with an exposed hammer

I see you're not familiar with da/sa pistols