
Yea the game was fully acted out and motion capped, I guessed it was Steven Ogg ( trevor ) by the way he walked and then when he turned around I was like YES!

No mention of Trevor Phillips from GTA V playing the guy with all the guns. I was so pumped.

interesting take, one I shall ponder.

It was heavily implied that Jimmy's super lawyer brother Chuck would work his loop hole magic to make Jimmy's charges go away.
I thought the same thing when Jimmy was in jail, how can he be a lawyer in the future? Then in came Chuck, Jimmy begged him to make it all go away and obviously he did.

Just to make it clear , gays have as much right to do what they do as anyone else, not dissing them , but….
Im not sure how you view the world. But Venus is a Transgender MAN not woman. He has a penis and balls. He is a man that had a boob job. He even tells Tig that he would never get the sex change op because he is a

I was kinda bummed we never got to see the Happy Farm. I imagine its a magical place with Unicorns, golden geece, those half man half horse things. Unless its a gangsta happy farm in which case its just a big weed plantation.
But so much has been made of this magical happy farm we should've at least got to see it.

Unfortunately I think this show changed from being a violent, gritty look into the biker world, to a soap opera filled with hunky bikers to appeal to older female veiwers.
If the show was meant for males we would see some female ass during sex scenes. Every sex scene the past couple seasons has been focused entirely

Clearly Jax draws the line at traffic infringements. I mean murder, drug and gun trafficking, pimping, blackmail, ratting to police, working with feds are one thing. But operating an un registered motor vehicle is crossing a line.

Good to see you picked up on the subtle clues Sutter tastefully sprinkled in there. Im actually disappointed Sutter couldn't work in a crown of thorns somewhere. Or maybe have this all play out on Easter Friday….

They wouldn't be better, the club died along time ago. That was my point.
I saw a season 4 episode ( I think ) on TV recently were the club house was packed out. They had a massive party, with all the members, old ladies, friends of the club, girls etc. That's why people join clubs.
Past 2 seasons it has just got way to

Yea the scenes of Jax at the table with the remaining Sons just highlighted how sad the club had become. Who is going to want to join that sad sack group of boring old men, Rat is about the only one with any personality.
Sutter killed off all of his interesting characters one by one, until all that's left is Chibbs and

Or even just fade to black after Jax sees the truck and starts accelerating. Close up of Jax face at peace, fade to Anarchy logo, then sound effects of collision…. We get it…. Jax dies like JT, that was obvious from the moment Chucky said he put the plates on the bike….

Well said. Ignore what came before, don't try to connect the dots, don't analyse the future implications of what has happened. Just accept that everyone lives happily ever after ( except Jax who is now at peace ) and it works…
Dwell on the details and the show unravels.

I have an app for my phone that could've probably done it better.

Considering Gemma also got to go out on her own terms last week, it was expected.

Your English is better than mine.. Fully agree, very well put.

The saddest thing about the finale was seeing what will be left of the Sons. Poor Rat, he went through all that prospecting to be a part of that shitty crew. It's Chibbs, Tig and Happy with the 2 silent extras, what a crew. What exactly was Jax fighting to save? His club has been dying around him the past 3 seasons,

Also if the woman Jax saw was the woman who died when JT crashed, and she is some sort of angel of death, and she knew what Jax was going to do…… Surely she should've said don't go out like your Dad as that caused the death of an innocent person, me, you don't know who will be behind the truck, or if the truck driver

I think you misunderstood me. I get what Sutter was TRYING to do, just don't think it was done very well.
I could see she was some sort of indicator of impending death. But Tara never saw her she was just at the dumpster at the end of the show. The truck driver talked to her at the truck stop so he clearly saw her.

Another random thought
- Chibbs gives Tig the VP patch. Jax says " good choice brother "…..???? What the guy who killed Opies wife? Was directly responsible for Opies death? The guy you sent to Marks to kill? Good choice?