
She meant he's a man, you are a woman flirt with him to find out stuff… The follow up line of "you don't have to fuck him, just make him think you will" should of spelled it out for you.

It was obviously written that way for a reason, I assume it was to show Colin Farrell's character as out of control, when you are raging and out of control you don't always come up with a perfect one liner…

Especially when Alicia needs Finn to give her life advice, he looks about 15 years younger than her. I never quite know whether Alicia is strong and smart or weak and naïve. As you say her education is moving at a snails pace, or better yet seems to time warp back and fourth episode by episode. By now Alicia should of


Even though the show is called The Good Wife, if this season has proved anything its that Alicia Florrick is perhaps the least interesting character in the show. Will was the best character/lawyer hands down, his departure was a death sentence. Now Kalinda is gone, and Cary is pushed to the background the show is just

Mixed emotions. While I like that the show is getting back to its courtroom roots, Its silly that Cary is now essentially back at Lockhart Gardiner, and Alicia is starting her own firm. Without the SA race sidestep, that's what the show was building towards, Cary and Alicia doing it their way. And this would be so

Yea im with you, it was like a pregnant womans " oh no my baby '' gesture.

Im not sure that they have enough time to move the direction of a season so quickly. I would bet this was always the arc they were going for. Alicia enters politics then day one discovers how corrupt it is. My guess is she is going to fight it and try to expose it in the coming weeks.

I hope not. But why Eli especially ( who was at the meeting ) wouldn't advise her to dump the party appointed lawyer is confusing. Not sure if TGW has just turned into plothole city, or some big clever twists are in the pipeline. Im leaning toward plothole city, but am hoping I am wrong.

Someone explains it well in the comments below. But essentially they are covered, unless they actually witnessed a crime first hand.

That's not the point she should have been fired on the spot, let alone be allowed to work on another case straight away.

I think its you that are watching it wrong. Maybe you are the type that needs a smple ' this is the bad guy, this is the good guy' type plot.
Chuck was an asshole but he was right in his own way, Jimmy couldn't work for HHM.
Did you not see the episode where he set up the scaters to con the Kettlemans? Or when he took

Yea I agree. I think its more a case of deep down Jimmy WANTS to be Saul Goodman, rather than the 'some tragic event forced him into it' angle people on here were pushing for. And to me that's a better way to tell it. In BB Saul wasn't conflicted about things he was doing. He wasn't doing things to spite his brother.

Because he likes it. Its as simple as that. He is Slippin Jimmy, and he loved pulling scams. He was reminded that that's who he is and he is good at it so why fail at trying to be someone else.

Well this reviewer goes off on the same tangent every week. Queer Indian super woman Kalinda is being handled poorly. Its no coincidence that the reviewer is a queer indian woman living in the US. And as someone else pointed out she seems to prefer a hypothetical Kalinda spinoff that doesn't exisist, where she is a

Well I thought that was the point of RD's nephew being there?While the Lawyers sat around argueing the point, Diane brought in an actual gay man that RD cared about so he could see the effect his stance had on someone he cared about. "Its the only reason why im doing any of this by the way, Im in love.."

Not a big fan of this season. But speaking of soapboxes.. This reviewer can talk. How many times are we going to get the Kalinda super queer rant in her reviews? The first time she used that word in a review I thought it was an odd word choice, only another gay person can get away with using that term these days. And

It was the Master Chief Collection on Xbox One just released. Why Alicia would have a newly released Xbox one without her son in the house is a mystery.

Daam that last 10 minutes was perfectly written and acted. When I first found out about BCS I thought it was going to be a dama/comedy style procedural lawyer show. With Saul taking on a different case each week, where the client was guilty but he got him off anyway. Man was I wrong. This show is amazing.

Back in the day ( before smart phones and the internet ) you had to ring the phone company to check that sort of thing. Deleting a call from your call history doesn't delete it from your bill.