
I got that she was 'supposed' to be death, but she wasn't really. She was a real person who handed Jax a real blanket, who other real people saw.
If Sutter wanted to add a supernatural element, an angel of death that characters saw just before they died, he could've at least done it right.

I think the B+ was a 'thank fuck that's over' B+. And not a 'oh my good that was brilliant' B+. In the same way that Juice would've loved that shank to the neck last week, it would've sucked but its better than getting raped by different gangs every night in jail.
It's all about context.

He never solves any cases despite having all the clues. And at the end of each episode someone random comically solves the case before he does by stumbling on the key bit of evidence he has been overlooking all along. GOLD.

I think you are on to something. Sutter is sitting back laughing at all the praise he is getting. This was one big social experiment to see how much bullshit he could cram down the publics throat while they lap it up and beg for more.
Maybe it started as a joke between writers when Sutter proposed something ridiculous

Post-racial and now with their first openly gay vice president…..

Tig said - " It'll be alright."
Chibbs said - " I lorve you bruthar."

Yea I thought that about the shooting, If they are gonna stage it why go through the act? Jax saying goodbye, them leading him to the spot, the guys holding him in place, Chibbs raising the gun. Made no sense when they are all in on it.
And the CGI in this season has been so bad I wonder why they kept using it. This

Was the episode a B+ based on its quality or the fact the painful season,and show which has run out of ideas is finally put to bed? So many people on other sites calling this season amazing I wonder if I am just a negative person. Glad I found this site with people not gushing over this turd of a season. Loved this

The only satisfactory ending is Jarry finding out about Juice, Gemma and Uncer and arresting Jax for murder before the club gets a chance to kill Jax. Cut to Jax in jail getting raped by Tully..
Jax cant get to go out on his own terms after what has happened, Gemma just did and it sucked as a conclusion.
And if I had 24

Was it just me or did Chucky figure it out before Uncer? He has had all the information since the start of the season, yet still didn't click until Jax spelled it out for him. Every week it seemed he was getting and closer and closer, but no he didnt have a clue. Abel is smarter than Uncer. I half expected Uncer not

I hear Hunnam broke some toes, so instead of delaying filming Sutter just went with it.
"Something wrong with your foot Jacky Boi?" Chibbs
"I guess so." - Jax.
And that's what the genius mind of Sutter comes up with.

The blackwater guys did it for August Marks. I think we all thought there was something deeper there.. There wasn't.

I mean its America, surely they are the gun capitol of the world?

Yea Jax sure does love his brothers….. Until he doesn't.

Song was good. Ed Sheeran is the man…

I was actually expecting them to vote out Jax, or Jax to at least step down as Pres. You know after all the mistakes he has made. Im sure its coming, but right there , right then someone at that table should've told Jax that he can no longer be trusted to make decisions for the club.
So after everything that has

Another warm funny moment of people joking about the slaughter of the Diosa girls that happened 2 weeks ago. Even Nero got a kick out of that one. Good times.

Musical car chase - Check
Juice ass shot - Check
Musical Montage - Check
Jax deep reflection - Check
Reactionary close ups that last way to long - Check
Sons need a favour from another gang only to have to do a random favour for said gang first - Check. ( usually leading to said car chase )

Same logic that lets Jax kill Jury for being a rat, while ratting to the police over August Marks. In the SOA universe ratting is the sin of all sins, yet Jax working with the police over the past 3 seasons doesn't count…
Same logic that has Gemma killing Tara being terrible, yet Tig killing Opie's wife not so much,

He is getting there give him time….
It like when you do the sunday crossword and you are on the last word and the clue is 'large' and you have b_g.. That last letter can be tricky.
Or when you do a Sudoku and you have every square filled in but 1. the last one is always the hardest.
Or when you are playing wheel of