
car chase was sped up. Soul bearing was on super slo mo.

You are completely right. Nothing terrible about a sheriff that hasn't solved a single murder out of the 50 or so ( including 2 cops ) since she has been there.
Nothing wrong with a sheriff sleeping with a patched gang member.
Nothing wrong with a sheriff smoking weed every night ( that's what sheriffs do right ?).

It was sped up like crazy as well. My wife even noticed it, she said are you FF it ?

Barowski is the rat.. They answered that question tonight. Jax thought it was Jury and killed him, he was wrong it was Barowski. And now he has to suffer the fall out.
We don't need to debate who the rat is anymore, we found out tonight.

OK Ill try and adrees some point. .
- The 0 screen time. Hes a guest star that only ever appears ocassionally anyway. Theo Huxtable hasn't been in for a couple weeks , maybe its him? Or Carmelo Anthony? Or Robert Patrick maybe?
- Main antagonists? he has been nothing more than a cameo
- The Birds were Blackwater. No son

1- Barowsky has no affiliation to the sons at all. He doesn't even really like them. He works for whoever pays him.
2- He killed the guy before he could finish his sentence.
3- The only reason you think Rat did it is some link to Jury's son you have made up. If Rat knew Jury's son he would have acknowledged him when

Even when you are WRONG you are right..
Only people who knew about Lins guns were PATCHED MEMBERS OF A GANG and Barowski ( who has no affiliation at all, works for multiple gangs and only does what he does for money ). But no your right, of course its a patched member of the gang that has gone through hell as a

Haha, I admire your commitment to defending this season. But Barowski is the rat, that is that. He is a business man that uses gangs to make money.
August Marks didn't 'retaliate' as payback for going after Lin. That was just filler for 4-5 episodes that was contrived and convoluted at best. It ultimately went

You have been WRONGLY defending this season… Don't forget that part. If 9 episodes out of a 13 episode season are rubbish, the season is rubbish. This is the only episode this year that has delivered. That's not a good batting average. Remember our conversation about Rat being the rat, and there is no way Sutter would

Maybe follow one of the Sons after Jax got away? Im sure they will lead you straight to him.

After all the run around so far gotta give props for this episode delivering. That's the SOA I have enjoyed wtching for 7 seasons. Not sure if it excuses the rubbish episodes leading up to this but ill take it. Also not sure how Im supposed to feel for anyone after the events leading up to this.. but anyway random

So, you were saying?


Katey Segal singing Cats in the Cradle……..

Im kinda with you. Everyone loves the Tig/Venus thing, I just do not. Turning Tig gay is just stupid at this point. It was a bit of fun when it was implied that he was into Venus, but seeing him actually GET IN to Venus is something I never needed to see.

I really think even the actors are hating this season. Hunnam never had a problem maintaining his accent before, yet this season he drops in and out of accent all the time. As if he is telling us, yea this is bad Im not even trying any more.

I used to read the reviews on IGN and the reviewer there loves this season, she has given most of this season 8.8 out of 10. And I was surprised how the comments reflected her review. Everyone on comments loves the show, and say something critical and people go at you.

Not defending the show or anything, but I think you guys missed the point.
CPS knew Gemma didn't do it, they knew Abel was acting out they just didn't know why. That's why Gemma didn't get arrested, Jax didn't flip out at her, Abel didn't get taken into care.
They knew the cut was fresh, and wasn't there in the morning

Totally agree. I spent the whole time between last years finale and this season wondering how Jax was going to get out of jail. What brilliant twist was coming?
I mean he was on his way to jail for 10-15 based on the word of Tara, who up until Jax decided to turn himself in was going to testify. and that day Tara and

He is 5, I thought he was 4 as well . But Jax clearly said this week that he was only 5 years old.