
Yea I thought the same thing. And why exactly is Juice quietly going along with all this? He knows the truth, he didn't even need to go to jail he could've just told Jax the truth.

Maybe a scientific experiment is in order?

Im thinking Rat is the one that lives and turns the charter into a decent MC Club. He seems to be projecting the vibe of earlier Jax. Struggling with being a good man and a member at the same time. Rat even looks like the old photo's of JT.

Your defence of the show is admirable, but you are giving the show to much credit.
Rat and Brooke symbolise the innocence of starting out as a member, like Jax used to be. He is trying to balance being a good man and a very bad man all at the same time. It is supposed to remind you of what Jax USED to be like.

Why would the episode focus on Brooke and Rat if it has no payoff? Same reason we get a scene of Tig pissing against a tree, or Juice doing naked press ups, or the Sons eating cereal, or a whole episode of Gemma talking to waitress, or the countless other side missions the Sons do every week to get another gang to do

Rubbing his head is the only way he shows he cares. Its all Abel has. His entire relationship with his dad is he walks in a room rubs/kisses top of head and then sends him off with strange women while his dad goes off handling business.

Me to, I am constantly trying to recap what has happened.
This week I was trying to remember what happened between Uncer and Gemma just before Tara died. I rewatched the scene and don't see how Uncer hasn't pieced it together yet. He was trying to keep her from leaving and doing something stupid, she then tricked him

But Jury was a rat, and rats deserve to die. Cut to scene of Jax ratting to police to set Marks up for a murder.
Sutter logic.

I have to assume that this train wreck of a season is actually giving us fans some enjoyment, we get to talk about how ridiculous it has all got. I for one am embarrassed by how bad this show has become, my wife catches some of it and she just laughs at how bad it is.
I actually cant wait for the episode to end so I

Nah you are giving Sutter way to much credit.
Jax is wearing glasses in that scene to 'subtly' convey to us that Jax is 'smart' because smart people wear glasses. After Jax said last week that Marks was smarter than him, seeing him outsmart Marks may have gone over our heads, hence the glasses.
Sutter breaks out the '

I suspect he came up with the edgy and gritty set piece ideas, while the talented writers actually moulded them into something that made narrative sense.
He comes up with the violent set piece, Bobby getting shot, and then just strings together some silly story to get there. Thinking the death of Bobby will carry the

And the threat Gemma made about shooting Jarry in the throat? She should've said " I'll cave your head in with kitchen fork." Maybe that would've given the sheriff a clue that Gemma's a psycho and maybe someone should look into what she was up to when Tara was killed. Oh that's right Gemma was at the scene because she

I agree, Marks has done nothing but be good to the Sons. Jax went after Marks for no reason and it backfired. I wanted to see Marks shoot Jax ( even though I knew that wasn't going to happen ).
Jax said Marks killed Bobby as retaliation for Jax going after Lin. That's not what happened at all, who is Sutter trying to

Didn't Jax kill Jury for being a rat? Since when was it cool for outlaws to snitch on people to the police?
So far this season Jax has started a war with 2 other gangs.
Killed a SOA charter president and lied about it, after killing said prez's son.
Set up many convoluted schemes that have backfired.
Got 2 of his club

Why should we care about Gemma's pain over her bird when we saw her brutally murder Tara and then lie about it, getting an innocent man tortured?
Why should we care about Bobby getting tortured after he sat there getting off watching the innocent Chinese guy get tortured?
Why should we care about Marks going after

Well Marks did say something like " Pope made his name being the smartest guy on the streets, I made mine being the most ruthless. Don't cross me Jax. I wont hesitate to kill you, or any of the Sons."
I mean that's pretty vague, he could've been a bit clearer.

Or the fact the woman who was going to testify against him and send him to jail for 20 years, and the cop that was there to arrest him were found murdered with Jax sitting at scene covered in blood. And he isn't a suspect? Because he made up with Tara an hour earlier and said he was going to turn himself in?

I just think back to episode one of this season, with all the Sons sitting around smoking while getting off on watching Jax torture the innocent Chinese guy, and suddenly I don't feel so bad for Bobby.

Happy summed up this season perfectly with his one line of dialogue….
" This shit should've been handled already "

The need for violent set pieces and convoluted revenge plans have dictated the direction of this season to the point the story makes no sense at all. I have read most of the comments and they all seem to be the same vibe, this show we all once enjoyed is now painfully bad. Some random thoughts/rants.
- Jax kills Jury's