
That could've lead to a " I know what you did mom" convo where Gemma thinks Jax is talking about Tara. Couldve been tense, but I guess it would've felt out of place.

Jax could talk his way out of that.

Yea him and that big oaf that has no lines and no one knows his name.

But said cop went to High School with Jax… That explains it all

SHHHHHHH, you aren't supposed to remember that. All was forgiven in that last 10 minutes of the season befor Gemma killed Tara.
And don't mention the fact Tara had been setting it up to look like Gemma wanted to hurt her, and even had paperwork filed with police. Or that the lady that worked with Tara in the hospital

Chucky started out working for Lin's crew, they cut off his fingers.

Carmelo Anthony..

I hate how the cliffhangers from previous week are immediately sorted with no payoff, and then nothing moves story forward, and then another cliffhanger that wont have a payoff.
Its like that South Park GoT episode. " The dragons are coming, the dragons are coming." meanwhile all we actually get is Tig pissing against

"I'm gonna be like you… Dad, you know I'm gonna be like youuuu…"
Mind blown, totally didn't see THAT coming.

What about the fact Tara had a restraining order against Gemma just before she died. And Gemma threatened Tara and the other lady from hospital several times leading up to her death.
Remember Taras whole scheme to make out she was in danger from Gemma so she wouldn't get the kids if Tara went to jail? What happened to

Anyone else notice Carmelo Anthony cameo in this one. You would think 130million contract would be enough for him.

Happy's " that shit shoulda been sort already" comment to Jax was awesome tho. First time someone has questioned Jax job as pres.

And what the hell is a 4 year old Abel plotting? He overheard Gemma say she killed his mom. Wouldn't a 4 year old run around scream "Granma killed Mommy, granma killed mommy." Not in Sutters world.
I thought when they were called to school it was because Abel drew a picture of Gemma killing his mom, but I guess that

Agreed. Or imagine of Sutter hadn't blown his wad on last years cliffhangers. Don't show us who killed Tara, then this season makes more sense. We wouldn't be looking at Jax like a complete idiot following red herrings and murdering innocent people. We would suspect Gemma and be invested in finding the truth.
At this