
My son is also named Box.

Selena doesn't have her parties nomination, though, so there are probably many members of the party that wouldn't give a fuck about ruining Selena's election chances.

Hoo boy, I really hope you aren't positing that there is any truth to the urban legend. I agree that exploring the origins and virality of urban legends can be interesting, but please don't pretend that there is any truth to this.

Man, I really can't stand when articles like this just have such basic errors when the writers are trying to come off as so authoritative. A really quick Google search would have let you known that wasn't Lindsey on the cover of Rumours. Also, your opinion about Tango in the Night's cover is bad.

I really hope you're joking.

Yeah, not sure how old you thought Fry was/what the timeline of arcades were, but he'd for sure be more used to old arcade cabinets than the NES.

It's way, way, way funnier.

I really loved "1, 2, 3, 4, bring back my pig."

I saw it. I don't really understand why the first movie existing in the second movie threw you off so much. I enjoyed the second one for being completely, whole-heartedly disgusting and thought the meta-premise was clever. It speaks to the (false) idea of violence in movies inciting similar acts in real life.

If you look at it like they had the one task of incorporating humor into their works, it's not an incorrect sentence. "All of your shitty English teachers have done a good job of turning you into a raging asshole."

This sounds really shitty. I hate that they went with the full-on comedy route. I thought the second film was actually pretty great in how it totally amped up the disgusting premise. I wish this one would have taken it to an absurd end without making it a joke. Believe it or not, I think the first two did a good job

That is so not ironic. It is, in fact, the natural progression of gentrification. It sucks, but it's completely unironic.

It's really so crazy that you are trying to defend your thought process.

Yeah I for sure thought they would come back to the demon possession since it was the most absurd.

Yes, people are dumb that way. "Doesn't Sansa know Tyrion is the man?!" No, how could she?

I thought it was easily the best episode yet.

Yeah, it's kind of a bummer when a reviewer doesn't understand what's happening and then holds it against a show.

I'm actually really shocked by the review. I thought this was by far the best episode of the season. It definitely got the most audible laughs out of me. Definitely the best comedy on television.

Me too!

Buddy Cole isn't anything like that character.