
I believe this. I haven't reached that age yet, but I have felt the amount of new music I listen to lessening with each passing year.

Clickhole is a thing of beauty.

NBD, man.

This looks like crap and also like another found footage "grandma's crazy" movie that's already on Netflix.

I like your avatar.

I think it's definitely meant to be her actual prom dress and not just "your example."

What? I have no memory of that happening. Especially in season 12.

Yeah, that was probably the sharpest joke of the bunch. It's been there this whole time, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone make that joke before.

I am going to see this in theaters, but it looks like complete garbage. Chris Pratt's first big misstep as a new star.

We call that "heightening."

It's a pretty blatant attempt to get on the official marketing materials.

I love horror, but sometimes I find myself so at odds with the general consensus among fans. I hated Session 9 when I first saw it and was just bored when I was convinced to watch it a second time. I think it has more to do with a personal distaste for those kinds of stories (the ending). I also really don't like

I don't know the time frames and I'm not about to look it up, but I would put The House of the Devil, Innkeepers, and Lords of Salem up there with It Follows. Check those out if you haven't seen them. Like you, though, I would say It Follows is probably the best horror I've also seen in the last five years.

Oh, I get it. You mock people that never existed except in your stunted mind.

In one of those future episodes, they were both gay.

You're an idiot. If you don't think Lena Dunham's career was immensely helped by her parents, you have no idea how the entertainment industry works. She's told anecdotes about attending parties with high-profile industry professionals while she was a child. No one has ever claimed her parents are famous/household

"Eyes Wide Shut" is a stone-cold classic, but it definitely took me more than one viewing.

To be fair, you sound like a very unfunny asshole in the "Titanic" story. It's not a movie I'd go to bar for, but why does having a gun make it "Terminator 3" (and yes, I know who James Cameron is).

That's one of my favorite bits in all of Futurama.

I get what you mean, but I like the fuller sounds (that's how I would characterize them) the other albums have. Never saw them live.