
references aren't jokes

Pretty sure the tapping noise was one of the kids playing a video game.

You really can't accuse this film of ripping off It Follows. You understand/mention that the idea is from the first Ring/Ringu. I don't think It Follows influenced this movie at all (I wish it did). I agree that it is profoundly unscary.

"There’s a three-act structure which is reminiscent of theater, but it’s so cinematic also."

That rumors extend far beyond gawker and have been around before that email. There was a gawker article about it, but that is not the origin or the limit of the rumor.

these are not unsubstantiated or self-started. sorry that it messes with your view of a celebrity.

I appreciate this and think you'll be kinder to AIM when you look back on it. There's still a lot of bite in the lyrics even if M.I.A. claims it's a happy, pleasant album. Also I still like to think of the real album cover as the one with the logo and not her picture. Agree with everything else though.

Believer is from MAYA

I think Matangi is a bit more uneven, but the stand-out tracks on that album are probably better.

she was trashed so hard for being over-paranoid about information politics. it was crazy. all those reviewers can fuck right off.

Teqkilla and Lovalot are misguided pop songs?

Yeah, he has gone on record with this multiple times.

Hairspray and Cry Baby don't revel in artifice? Wat?

yeah that's the scariest

That was my first thought too. Definitely not an infographic.

You realize that the Oregon Trail is a thing that existed in the real world as well? It doesn't really have many, if any, references to the game (people associate dysentery with the game, but it too is a real disease). It's just a period piece sketch.

These have been around forever. When are we going to access to his earlier work? I saw Eat Your Makeup at Lincoln Center a year or two ago and am dying to see it again.

I would actually guess that whoever wrote it doesn't know much about NYC.

But that was a wig.

"There does seem to be a CVS on 14th and 1st in NYC, so maybe don’t ask the people who work there any questions about this episode."