
I've always liked the second half more (and Eyes Wide Shut).

All of those movies deserve to be on the list. Starship Troopers is a maybe/probably, but the other two are absolutely two of the best of the 90s. Blair Witch moreso for it's cultural/industry relevance and Eyes Wide Shut just for being an incredible film. Leaving Silence of the Lambs off is unforgivable, though.

You couldn't be more wrong.

I saw Amer in theaters (NYC, baby). It deserves to be on this list.

You're good.

"The you in around 1982" means the equivalent of you (the franchise hater), not actual you in 1982.

I've always loved "Now I'm off to some charity BS for knocked-up teenage sluts"

Why? Serious question. He's definitely the most purely comedic character.

I remember a website in the 90s that suggested Chris Farley was going to play Tom Bombadil in a Lord of the Rings adaptation.

The Trevor Noah tweets that this whole article and twitter rant were about. What did you think was happening here?

It's definitely about who you know. I live in NYC and have not come across it very often.


Mine too. It's such a perfect encapsulation of what it's like to be a child on auto-pilot.

I've been trying to compile a list of my favorite Simpsons bits, and I think I'll add that. Not to pick it apart too much, but just the fact that Homer thinks Flanders being broke would make the news is so perfect.

These reviews toss around the phrase "pure Swartzwelder" so much that it's lost all meaning.

That's my favorite bit with that character. Just him saying "whoa" a bunch.

I totally know what you mean. That happens for a lot of movies with a lot of hype surrounding them. It makes for a really unpleasant viewing experience.


"En I'll talk like 'is. Bob's ya uncle mate."
"That really doesn't help, Baaht"
"Can I slog off school tomorra. Gotta pain in me gulliva"

"Boy, time really flies when you're reading… The Bible?! Ew."