
It's honestly because the bar right now is set so low for mainstream horror movies. Mainstream being the key word there.

Man, I really love "Love Profusion" and a few other tracks off of American Life, but "Hung Up" definitely had to be included.


I thought Cher was the Cherokee?

This review was all over the fucking place. I'd prefer some words about the episode rather than a half-hearted history lesson of SCTV.

I actually can't think of a better conversation for this website. Would you rather fight about a good comedy and an obviously bad one? Or would you rather people on the AV Club just talk about politics?

Even beyond the relationship shipping, around season 4 you could see the writers throwing every combination of characters together to create plots and it was so unnatural.

I agree, and also 30 Rock wasn't without emotion. Jenna's Rural Juror made me more emotional than anything in that happy-ending Parks & Rec fantasy.

I would agree with both your statement and Patchfacethefool's.

For real, though, why would you rather have the George C. Scott version than the Moleman version?

Was it? Was it really?

Do you find something comical about Erik's quotes when he's trying to deliver us Simpson-related news? Everyone needs to quote the Simpsons, even the very on-deadline. This was all the quotes Erik could afford to fit in two paragraphs, should he therefore be made the subject of fun?

I'm gonna haul ass to Lollapalooza!

Reminds me of burritos.

The Polyphonic Spree

Saying lines out of order…. that's a paddlin'.

Yeah, you see how you scum.

The baby looked at you?

Everyone in these comments should be focusing on the fact that Elizabeth Marvel is going to play Annie, which will probably be fucking amazing. The woman can do disturbed.

I would love for this show to actual give in and become a comedy about some really horrible people.