
Yeah, that's you buddy. I go to the Met at least twice a year and plenty of other museums in between. They're pretty important to a lot of the people that live in this city.

You're making a really big assumption that there isn't nature or history (including indigenous sites and cultures) surrounding NYC. There are mountains and forests and oceans an hour or two away by car (or train!).

I don't think you know what mutual masturbation means.


It's not surprising that Filipino filmmakers haven't been able to "cross-over" into American cinema. Even for art house audiences, they're very different than what people are used to seeing in terms of narrative and form. It's nice to see a national cinema that really feels like a national cinema.

Garrison is right, let's none of us have Macau.

Parts of Brooklyn are called "the city"? I've never heard that in the 10 years I've lived here. Which parts? Downtown? I live in Brooklyn. I'm against that.

It's sad because it could be such an amazing place due to its history and natural beauty, but in my mind, it's gone. I think it was too small to survive the extreme influx of money and the assholes attached to it. If NYC were the same size, a similar thing would have happened to it (as it stands now, that process is

I'll agree to disagree about 2 and 3, but
"Anywhere in the Bay Area that hasn't been totally colonized by tech scene assholes" Where is this? Oakland for the next year at the most? Fremont? I'm originally from the area. It could be nice, but it's really not.

I think it's the same one, but just to be sure I'm talking about the one that nose dived pretty heavily in season three and would have plots and character motivations that didn't even try to hide the writers' hands. I'm just confused as to why anyone would think that out of all of televisions offerings, the Simpsons

I agree. People love to hate on it.

No, it's really not. New York > LA > New Orleans > Seattle > Chicago > San Francisco

*stands and applauds for idiotking, wipes away a tear*

Are we talking about the same Parks & Rec?

Manhattan is "the city," just get used to it. People who have lived here a lot longer than you have called it that forever. Join us or leave. Also, move to a more energetic neighborhood if you want to complain.

In what sense?

They have.

Yeah, like that dream Smithers had about Burns flying in through his bedroom window? Or when he fantasizes about a naked Burns popping out of a birthday cake? Or when his screensaver is a topless Burns saying he's turning him on. The subtleties.

I saw French Stewart play Little Orphan Annie.

And the only real difference between other sitcoms is that there is four of them.