
Boys, cappadocius, Cameron Espositos kiss boys.

Yeah, I'm not really sure why people here are saying there are barely any classic jokes. This one is hilarious.


I enjoyed Reese waving because why act like there isn't a camera on you (Rosamund Pike)?

I was honestly about to comment the same thing. Gave me a tummy ache.

So glad everyone got married! That would have been really awkward if a character wasn't coupled up by the finale!

Ben-Hur does not count. And you're missing a bunch. Especially from the 90s and 2000s.

He wanna da $$$

My comment about it being wrong-headed to boycott the Oscars was entirely about this situation (as is evidenced by its context in the entire post).


What are you trying to say about that Rodney Dangerfield episode?

Yeah, exactly. It's so wrong-headed to boycott the Oscars. You have to start with the studios and get them to make more diverse films. Otherwise you're just going to force the Academy to reach for race quotas and we'll get a lot of nominated Tyler Perry films.

"As Maron puts it, he hadn’t even had a chance to live his life yet." I understand where this sentiment is coming from, but by 30 you have had a chance to live your life. Look at all he accomplished. He was living his life. It just was cut very short, unfortunately. That almost seems disrespectful to me.

What are you talking about? Nobody dislikes Sean Penn because of his politics. They dislike him because he's a serial abuser with anger issues.

Season 2 and 3 were really great, but it was all downhill after that. I think this show gets way overrated because of its "heart." It's pretty obvious that most fans would feel the same way if they really thought about it (look how 7 of these episodes are from those seasons).

Regardless of the show's fictional history, I'm just saying that it's lazy to make the "bad guy" (which Pete basically is) the one who is balding.

You know what would be different? If Don went bald. Pete going bald is a cheap joke and has been from the beginning (a cheap, very funny joke).

At the same time there is an argument to be made that "early," "middle," and "late" periods don't have to be distributed evenly over seasons, but rather should be used to describe the shifting qualities (and I don't mean quality) of the episodes.

A Wayne's World sketch basically ended the show.