
Moorish? Of the Moors?

Brian Williams, is that you?


Great job, Internet…
*pats Internet on the head, takes a swig from a flask, gazes longingly at all of the other fathers who are playing catch with their sons*

It was naive of you to think I'd mistake South America's most prominent land-locked country for one of my elementary school students.

Missy's not dead. There are 'tribute' videos to One Direction out there.

I agree. She's always been pretty appreciated and rightfully so. She never rose to Jay-Z fame levels (in terms of success not talent), but I don't think she was aiming for that.

I have the same reaction. It's fair, I think.

But isn't "I'm in front of you" just a camera angle trick? I feel like 30 Rock could have done it.

Yeah, that one is a thing of beauty.

Quit skipping lines!

It's actually the opposite of ironic that the last female-directed series was Twilight.

Incorrect. She gives the answer "Jeremys Iron." I hope you feel incredibly ashamed, especially since you decided to give a stupid "bonus follow up" as a contestant.

more testicles.

The title of this article is a lie.

Most laws on the books would agree with you (rape by deception is often a crime, but it's not the same).

She's legitimately not as good of an actor/comedian as those other two. I think if she were better looking then maybe that would matter as much? But it's for sure not the only reason she didn't have the same success.

If anything, you owe them.

Probably "Porch Pals." Lemonade? Please.

I want some taquitos.