
I basically like Crystalline and Mutual Core, but that was a stretch (me wanting to find some good). The rest was a slog of song sketches. There was way too much focus on the technology behind it. I think Volta has a lot of crap on it, but Earth Intruders, Innocence, and Declare Independence are some of my favorites

That is a beautiful line that is so layered in its politics. God bless 30 Rock.

BUT I CANT DANCE TO IT!!!! (and I'm half-serious.)

Medulla is my favorite, too.

Homogenic and Post. Also, as standalone tracks, Triumph of the Heart, Earth Intruders, Declare Independence, Crystalline, Pagan Poetry, Hidden Place, and Who Is It.

"(No, it’s not rapey, he’s just violent. Wait, that’s still creepy. It’s funny in context, I swear!)"

It's pruppets. Come on, man.

That's crazy talk. You're crazy, Alskiz. Get off the road!

They Bobbsey Twins books mostly weren't mysteries. It's definitely a dated reference, but I'm sure they expected a large portion of viewers to get it. It's definitely not the most obscure reference by a longshot.

What is there to get?



Well Scooby-Doo can doo-doo, but Jimmy Carter is smarter.

I have to go to ze lobby!

What's superliminal?

Everyone is saying "Gabbo this" and "Gabbo that". But no one is saying "Worship this" and "Jericho that".

I'm fond of the "zuh?" sound Bart makes after Milhouse drops some science on him.

Wait a minute, if he can teach a class, HE can teach a class! I mean I can teach a class.

Related: There's your answer, fish bulb.

Knife a'goes in, a'guts come out! That's what Osaka Seafood Concern is all about!.