
You ugly, hate-filled man.

Hot snow falls up?

Thank you, door!

I love that "s'pose'das" line and use it often. Is there something I'm missing about the "do it to it" line?

James Woods: "OK, you're you, I'm me."
Jimbo Jones: "I'm me?"

We're going to live like kings. Damn hell ass kings!

Homer forgets Maggie:

"This is a 3-dimensional object known as a cube, or a Frinkahedron, in honor of its discoverer."

Attention families, this is mother goose, the following cars have been broken into.

I am evil Homer! I am evil Homer!

It's only amped up my brain to dig deep and find more that have many practical uses.

Freemasons run the country!

Hello, Mr… Kurns. I bad want… money now. Me sick.

Suspect is hatless. I repeat, hatless.

Kippers for breakfast, Aunt Helga? Is it Saint Swithin's day already?

Lisa: This biography of Bart came out awfully quickly. It's not even
about him!
Bart: Sure it is! Look at the cover.
Lisa: But inside it's mostly about Ross Perot, and the last two
chapters are excerpts from the Oliver North trial.
Homer: Ah, Oliver North. He was just _poured_ into that uniform.

That's not a job, it's a waste of time. What can poor people pay you? Nothing! What satisfaction you get from helping them? None! Who wants to help poor people anyway? Nobody!

"It was naive of you think I would mistake this town's most prominent
104- year-old man for one of my elementary school students."

I moved here from Canada, and they think I'm slow, eh?

After posting more than 20 quotes, I'd have to say that probably is my favorite single line. It's completely absurd.