
Honestly it's making me sad how most people's knowledge of South Park on here only extends back to around season 8.

Those guys sound like fucking morons.

Mmmm… I can see right up them shorts.

It's utterly bizarre or maybe just ignorant to write a whole paragraph on why you think "God Only Knows" works as a Christmas song and not mention that the entire thing is underscored with sleigh bells.

He's definitely not selling them well.

That's a common problem in horror movies. Especially when they attempt to tie things up (I haven't seen this, so I don't know what the ending is).

"A guy I follow on Twitter said today that Dune "fat-shamed" Baron Harkonnen."

"But it’s Nichols who keeps the thing afloat: By carefully modulating the
intensity, and controlling the pace in which tempers flair and things
get out of hand, he lends credibility to the basic scenario of two
strangers staying planted for the marital spat to end all marital spats."

"stands alongside the best character work of any male voice actor"

The massacre at Columbine happened on April 20, which is also Hitler's birthday. It wasn't the day before.

The last vignette being "Slumber Party Alien Abduction," right? I've always really loved that one, but people seem to only talk about "Safe Haven" (the cult one), which was really good too.

The point stands that the joke and episode would have a completely different meaning and context if Hawaii or Italy were used (in contrast to what this reviewer says).

Yeah, I thought the same thing. It's funny when you read something written with such authority that is just totally wrong.

Actually all of the talk of a reboot was misdirection. They creators wanted you to think that the film was a reboot, but it's actually a reaction against the current trend of rebooting horror franchises. That's why you get Sidney saying "Don't fuck with the original" (or something to that extent) at the end. The

That also stood out to me as the most damning piece of evidence.

You were right to be pedantic. The joke showed a fundamental lack of knowledge of the things being made fun of, which ruins the humor.

It's definitely not as good, but it ain't bad.

Even taking out the commercials, that still winds up being about an hour and thirty minutes of comedy.

What is the function of the word "even" in that last sentence?