
The drama is seriously lacking and when it is there, it's fairly cheap. The ideas are amazing to think about in a kind of "what-if" way, but this is not going work well.

I totally agree. There is no way to adapt this work and make it exciting on screen without a huge overhaul. That might be possible, but it's certainly not probable. Also, there are some really exciting ideas in the book (I don't know if they'd set your fucking hair on fire, though), but I honestly can't imagine how

Baader-Meinhof for sure.

I miss gravity.

Where did you see the word Darwin?

I just clicked on this review to see if it was about a gay kid. It is. But he's blind too! Finally, a step forward in independent cinema. (I'm gay and understand all about representation, but come on.)

Buy me V/H/S Viral or go to hell!

Wow, you're just all over this comment section acting like a total fucking asshole.

Special means retarded. His financial backers are retarded people.

Which sight gag?

And that someone is the entire English speaking population of Earth. It's an incredibly common expression, but I guess you're just trying to show off your Dante knowledge.

Uh, it's a quote from an earlier Treehouse of Horror episode. The King Kong parody. Chill out.

Absolutely more the movie than the book. They're fairly similar minus the endings, but so much about it is the visual imagery, which is all the movie.

The references to The Simpsons going on forever have been going on forever and in about the same frequency. They'll never stop the Simpsons! Long lost triplets? Roy. I agree with the 4 seasons, though. Then just end it. There's no way they'll ever be able to pull the quality back up.

*Brooks Wheelan cries knowing Ineda Name has forgotten him*

I think that's a huge stretch to call that a reference. It maybe evokes that, and I don't know for sure either way, but I would guess it wasn't meant as a reference.

You guys look crazy when you talk to each other.

How do you say "stinger" any other way?

Bare Trees is awesome.

I totally agree with everything you said. How could you just listen to the Lindsey tracks? Stevie is in top form here and the Christine songs you point out are incredible. I can only imagine some extreme bias would make you overlook these.