
Yeah, on some level it's really great to have kept it small, and interesting to start years after the event, but I'm so curious to see what happened on a larger scale and in the aftermath. Every time we see the world outside (the conference or the GR in other cities), it's always the most interesting thing.

Yup, you're welcome. Just trying to make sure you put a bit more thought into things before you say them.

People are totally hung up on the number, which is still pretty big. I think it's ridiculous to think that this wouldn't be a huge fucking deal. People who claim that obviously haven't really thought about what the scenario actually would involve.

Well obviously we can never actually know how we'd feel if this happened because it's not happening anytime soon, but this car accident statistic gets brought up a lot in reference to this show and it's a complete bullshit argument. Two percent would be closer to 6 million people in the U.S. alone, which is a fuck-ton

You would absolutely give a fuck if 145 million people vanished in an instant. It's more about how it happened than how many were taken. It's not some apocalyptic scenario.

"You see this tux? I got it cheap because Roy Cohn died in it."
Simpsons did it before Simpsons did it!

The Californians and the one where they are entertainment show hosts that are more and more shocked. Those are the only ones I can think of.

The Universal Monster movies are horror movies. Why are they making them superhero/action movies? Oh wait, I get it. This is definitely going to blow up in their faces. This is going to bomb hard.

You're definitely mistaken if you think they're trying to be serious.

No mention of one of my favorite Jenna moments. In my memory of watching 30 rock as it originally aired, this was when it clicked that this show was something special:

I doubt Banksy or Don Hertzfeldt want to make a network TV show.

I love Human After All. I feel like it really captures the idea of Daft Punk in the best way. Plus, some of the songs are just insanely beautiful. Repetition is the mode in the same way that can be said of chanting.


What a moran.

Honestly, no one should let him live that down. That was ridiculous. It's not damning error that taints all of his work as a reviewer, but it should never be forgotten.

Many of the recent castmembers have come from UCB, or have at least been affiliated with UCB for a time (a lot of those people were also the ones dumped after last season).

“I was just in Portland, and everywhere you go, it’s like, is this a sketch, or is this the real show?"

The Andrew Bujalski mumblecore movie?

No problem, and I've only read 7 so… *walks off with head hung low*

Everyone should read Babbit. It is pretty awesome.