
I think Diana Scarwid would be interesting. If his upbringing was privileged, as I assume it was. I think she'd be perfect for an upper crust, country club mother.

I think part of it is the fact that she's working like 14 hour days on the show for several months each year. So she's probably not able to eat super healthy. If I were that busy, I'd probably go all day without eating because I forget about food when I'm super busy. That's just my thoughts on it.

I think Alicia has been called on her behavior. She definitely was in the fallout of her and Cary leaving the firm. She was called awful/poison by Will, Diane wondered if she'd always been like that, even her husband calls her a "selfish bitch". Season 1 or 2 were more sympathetic to Alicia, but the show has gotten a

I know you probably could do a list of 10 episodes entirely from season 5 and you wouldn't want that. But, I really do think that season 5 episode "The Decision Tree" should have made the list. I think it captures so much of what makes the series great. The flashbacks, playing with memory and perception, how Alicia

Sometimes you have to SLAP them in the face to get their attention!

Seeing Carrie Preston on this show only serves to remind me how great she is on The Good Wife and I wish she could have been on that show full-time instead.

ITT: "I liked another critically acclaimed episode of television more than this critically acclaimed episode of television."

Do you feel that The Good Wife or the episode "Hitting the Fan" is THAT much worse than "Ozymandias"? I think both episodes are two of the greatest of the season. Personally, it's almost like splitting hairs because both are great episodes. I just don't understand everyone so vehemently against "Hitting the Fan",

"And I couldn't help but wonder: 'Are all women like drop guns at a murder scene?'"

At the time it aired, "Hitting the Fan" was universally considered one of the best episodes of the year. Even if you disagree, is it really all that surprising that it's gotten this far?

"Oh, you know what? Another Emmy might be nice.." - Meryl Streep

The thing that really bothered me about it was the tone of the Tony/Felix scenes. Their "flirtation" was treated with such lightness/levity. Obviously Felix was a little perturbed but it their scenes just played out a bit too playful, I guess.

This will probably be the one episode of Orphan Black that our best friends/significant others that we've been bothering to watch the show will finally watch and then decide it's not a very good show after all.

That would have been a season 7 episode if they didn't start counting backwards in the episode titles starting this season haha

I agree. For The Good Wife, it could be 3 hours long and that would be too short for me! I like it, but it can be almost pointless to watch. I think it was the Parks and Rec episode that was most annoying. It was funny, but they just kept goofing around and then all of a sudden the episode was over.

Yeah, Cary was definitely pissed and that was him channeling that. Everything about the scene seemed like it was about Cary going too far up until he actually stopped. And Kalinda seemed confused that he actually stopped. I feel like she would have done something like said "Don't you ever do that to me again", etc. I

I agree the sex scene between Cary and Kalinda was awkward. But I almost felt that they were roleplaying? Kalinda's reaction after Cary get off her was almost "Why'd you stop?"
That's just how I read it.

Most importantly: Does this mean Kalinda is coming to Florrick/Agos with Diane?!?

Ouch, right in my dopey heart..

Yeah I was hoping the NSA storyline would kind of be slow burning in the background a little longer. I actually was thinking it would end up being kind of the final season arc (assuming CBS allows the creators a true "final season" to wrap things up). It seems like they concluded that storyline in a very "neat and