
Oh man. Once Upon a Time In Wonderfalls. Jaye wakes up in an insane asylum, but soon realizes she's in an alternate universe where everyone else can hear the wax lions, etc talking but she's the only one that cannot. DAAAANG!

I still can't believe The Good Wife lost out to Scandal in the first round. I mean, I can believe it because Scandal is probably more popular with the age group that actually has internet access to be able to vote. But still…

This was one of those episodes that is just really hard to watch, like the stand-up episodes. I feel too embarrassed for the girls and I ended up fast-forwarding through all the rapping.
God, I'm so sick of Laganja's fake ghetto drag speak. It's so unnatural and try-hard. "Oh mamma Ru hunty oarkaayyy!" Stop.

I checked to see which show beat out The Good Wife in the first round. Scandal. Ugh. I mean, it's a very popular show so it's no surprise that more people voted for it. But really.

I literally had to turn and bury my face in the couch cushions, I was so physically embarrassed for him.

British Columbia is in Canada, right?