
…ok, I'm guessing "IRA" means something different in the US from the UK?

"…I wrote an article, which didn't really argue with the answer I'd been given, but just assumed that everyone could see why it was nonsense right off, and concentrated on shaming poor people and those with disadvantaged children."

Damnit I knew my saponified skunk restaurant had gone wrong somewhere.

I keep coming back to how baffling this sentence is. It's not like he's presenting some sort of argument that they shouldn't. It seems to be that he genuinely thinks that restaurants don't work like that, to the point where he doesn't even expect anyone to disagree with him. Does this mean have absolutely no

But you try and tell the young people today that…

That's a shame - because there are plenty more sentences where that came from.

For what it's worth? As a child, I probably WOULD have starved rather than eat certain foods. At least to the point of needing medical attention. When it comes to hunger strikes, political prisoners willing to die for their ideology have got nothing on a disgusted child who also takes threats as a challenge…

Uncultured yuppie elitism: the most hilarious sort of elitism.

Oh, I only have pasta boiled with pink himalayan rock salt…

People who would be using the wrong olive oil if they didn't think their customers would check… if you eat somewhere genuinely good, they don't have to mention these things.

The theme seems to be "children should do everything adults do, they just shouldn't have any free will in the matter."

Children: because you can pretend to be a god and they rarely punch you like normal people would.

To be fair, when people say "picky eaters" they generally mean a selective eating disorder, rather than a biological disorder like crohn's or coeliac or the like.
But yes, that's also another angle on the original post. Parents whose kids have allergies, intolerances, digestive limitations and so on worry enough about

You say "awkward", I say "self-sustaining business model"…

Oh, I get it now!

"No kids' games for kids" will be fun. It should be all pistol shooting and management simulation games from the age of three.

I thought the title was "I am very rich and have unlimited free time, and by the way my child is an angel. Suck it, uncultured poor people!"

Because there's nothing as sexy as a single parent who wants commitment and responsibility enough to adopt, but doesn't want to have sex themselves…

I think we're all in favour of reading Nabokov to kids.* The problem is, some booksellers actually sell you Dr Seuss, and DON'T secretly replace all the pages with TS Eliot poems. How will kids grow up if they're allowed to do kid things?

It could be an adopted baby…