
I think it's pretty blinkered to condemn people for how they have handled someone else's addiction problem. They're kind of damned either way. But the thing is, there are times when the right thing to do is make sure you don't enable them, by drawing red lines, and if necessary, say, writing a character out of your

Except that Luke, Daredevil and JJ just went straight to Alexandra as well. JJ even just took the lift.

It's called the Law of Inverse Ninja - the more ninja, the less danger. It's a common feature of depictions of ninja. It does at least explain the typical ninja tactics of attacking in single file - it's an attempt to negate the shittifying effect of there being too many ninja!

Honestly, it kind of makes sense for XHamster. In a narrow sense, it's great advertising for them. But it would also help with in a broader sense with branding. Porn sites straddle, no pun intended, a hard dichotomy in how they can be perceived: seedy dirty exploitative creeps, vs sex-positive happy liberals

Well that's a remarkably patronising article. "Hey, two great and popular actors just got cast in an eagerly-awaited adaptation of one of the most popular novels by one of our generation's best-selling and most critically-acclaimed great authors (with some help from Neil Gaiman). But it's got supernatural stuff in it,

So basically Clinton couldn't orgasm unless he was talking to either a political advisor or a member of congress?

To be honest? Probably better make that the first 3 seasons. Season has some great episodes, but mostly feels really tired compared to the first three.

Yeah, sorry, mostly just thinking out loud, there. Or, not really out loud, but you know what I mean.

I don't recall the details, but it was broadly what you'd expect: Putnam for essentialism, Malcolm (or whoever) for nominalism. Putnam felt that the names of syndromes referred to particular real conditions, and that if the definitions of syndromes changed significantly enough it would mean they were talking about

Off the top of my head, with you mentioning literalness… one could probably make a case for both Bernard and Sir Humphry in Yes Minister as ASD.

Thank you!

To be fair, "super-long sentences" would be a reason to diagnose pretty much every writer prior to 1920…

Yeah, the question of the philosophical underpinnings of any sort of categorisation of this sort are also difficult. [since I see you apparently frequent a philosophy group on disqus: iirc there's an interesting and relevant debate between Putnam and a Wittgensteinian (Malcom?) on criteria vs symptoms in medical

To be fair, they also campaigned on behalf of an depressed autistic British guy who thought the Pentagon was hiding evidence of UFOs so "hacked" into their system to look (specifically, he noticed that many Pentagon computers connected to the internet that still had their default blank passwords). The US wanted to put

Stephen Fry in character as a priest: "Oh, believe me, God can take a little blasphemy, a little swearing. What he really can't stand is the Daily Mail."

We'll still call them Daily Mail readers. You can't just stop being a Daily Mail reader - it's like the mark of Cain, or Catholicism. At most, you can be a "lapsed" Daily Mail reader…

Or my personal favourite, discussing our judicial system: "ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE". With names and photos of the enemies, and a call for The People to take justice into their own hands. Oh, and attacking one of the judges for being "openly gay". (An openly gay former Olympic fencer, actually - as JK Rowling commented,

That's a good point - a real "getting X right" show probably needs to show multiple varieties of X.

There's no show a family of otters couldn't improve.

Woah. Some things can't be unseen.