
It could be worse. There's an entire genre of "Historical Figure X was clearly gay" "non-fiction" - which it's hard to refute because a) well maybe they were, who knows?, and b) "oh, and why do you care so much about them not being gay? Is there something wrong with being gay? Are you sure you're not a homophobe?"

I suspect that - aside from the writers' ignorance - a bit concern here is that once you label your character, you're making a statement, and you will be hated for it whatever you say. Call your character ASD when they have only a few symptoms, or when their symptoms are abnormal, and you'll be accused of trivialising

The big problem with support networks providing safe spaces for people with problems is that the easiest way to provide a sense of support and safety is for everyone to agree that they don't have a problem, everything's wonderful, it's other people (who aren't part of the network) who have a problem. This is


They all comment repeatedly on how they're like brothers (and Theon hasn't seen his "actual family", who hate him, since he was basically an infant). Yes, it turns out he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder about Ned not being his real dad and him not being as loved as the Starks, but that's not an excuse for child

That's not what happened, though. [*goes and reads the scripts*] Rachel suggested they "should take a break". Ross interprets this to mean they should cool off, and goes to leave the room, but Rachel corrects him that she wants "a break from us". Ross immediately tells his friends that he and Rachel have "broken up".

They were ON a BREAK!

Surprised there's no mention of Paxo, whose technique he is clearly emulating… see his Newsnight weather reports.

Controversial theory: there is no Akiva Goldsman. The name is just a label nice people at studios quietly put on films they think will be shit, to warn off those in the know…

Drive was actually pretty good. Not all-time-classic good, but worth watching at some point. Really good portrayal of Lauda.

Lots of people work hard - that doesn't make them good at their job. I could work really hard at being a footballer, but I wouldn't expect PSG to hire me. And If PSG spent £200m on me and I kept scoring own goals, I don't think "but he works so hard!" would be enough to keep me in a job.

But it might have turned a bigger profit if it weren't immediately recognised as awful.

I always felt really sorry for Julie. Most shows would have softened the blow by having her do something bad or be ridiculous in some way, but no, it's just heartbreaking and horrible.

Yeah, I don't like this common assumption that it's totally normal to be glued to twitter 24 hours a day AND personally outraged, frightened, anxious, upset etc by everything we read there. That's not "modern life", that's "having a problem".

I think it's harsh to say how people "must" think of a use of a word uttered in an argument with no context provided. It's not like there's some sort of manual. And there certainly wasn't one in 1997.

But so far as he knows there is no relationship left to salvage!

I think the issue is that Rachel wants it both ways: they've broken up, so Ross isn't dating her anymore, but at the same time she doesn't want him to date anybody else either, as also shown by her behaviour every time Ross might have a girlfriend.

Least funny, and probably least admirable as a person, too.

Or elementary tactics, strategy, common sense or a map.

Personally, while I think Danny is good at being imperious, I'm almost always unconvinced when they try to have her be human. There's nothing wrong with the idea of that scene, but it's pretty stilted and unnatural in execution, imo.