
Actually, that would be three things. If you burn the restaurants down, there'd ALSO be no people like Johnny Friendly in them, AND the entire site would be a "no children" section for health and safety reasons. Everyone wins!

As a former picky eater, this is so irritating. All those "grown-ups" who (gently or otherwise) encouraged me to eat new things because what's the worst that can happen… and now it turns out that when I order squid, or rabbit, or anything with a vegetable they don't recognise, they get disgusted and shudder and refuse

Seconded, though not in quite so many words, by a former picky eater myself.

It's not even explicitly about healthy food. If the article were about how american kid's meals were horribly unhealthy (and they certainly sound more questionable than the ones we have here, which tend to the spaghetti pomodoro…), then there'd be a point to make there. But instead it seems to be "your kids will grow

Another former fussy eater here. Which meant my parents basically couldn't eat out, because there and then most restaurants above the level of Little Chef didn't have children's menus. One time we were essentially kicked out of a restaurant because I just wanted chips or bread. Both items were on the menu, but only

When I were a lad…

Ooh, controversy. Should good elephant parents knock the acacia down for their kids to eat the softest leaves, or is a diet of hard old leaves and constant striving to reach as high as they can with their little trunks the good old-fashioned method for raising Real Elephants?

Well… yeah. I mean, most restaurants are actually run on a capitalist basis, not as some sort of service-to-humanity, breed-the-next-generation-of-gourmets charity enterprises.

If a character is too overtly camp (not gay, camp - sexual attraction doesn't come with obligatory accents or hand gestures - nor vice versa) to play a straight character, then the problem is not that they are gay, or even that they're camp. It's that they're a bad actor. Likewise, if a straight actor can't play camp,

Well, that sort of demonstrates the problem with that approach, doesn't it? Because if you can't protest against Obama on the same day as the KKK, and the KKK are protesting against Obama every single day, doesn't that mean you can never protest against Obama? But actually, Obama did some things that were worth

Yes, that was the problem with it!

(yeah, yeah, I know, "tl;dkr" etc. But some things have to be said even if people aren't going to read them)

If his sex life isn't what you want it to be, how is that his problem rather than yours? You want him to marry a woman? Not his problem, he's happily married already. There's no requirement that when a man marries another man (but not a woman, of course, that's totally different) he has to send a notice round so

Also relatedly: Thomas Dekker is/was a professional cyclist. I've always kind of assumed he was gay, but I've no particular reason for this, unless perhaps subliminal jealousy at how popular he was with female fans.
When not cycling, Dekker was a male underwear model. This kind of added both to male fans thinking he

Yeah, but the idea of automatically making a character gay just because the actor is guy isn't that great either. I can understand why gay actors might like to be free to play non-gay characters, rather than being pigeonholed by their sexuality.

I understand the angle that people in the public eye have some degree of duty to declare their sexuality in order to support those who are in more difficult situations than them.

I was about to say that too. Then I realised this was Werner, not Otto, and that I'd never heard of Werner before, so don't really care.


This didn't read like actual racism. This read like "reciting jokes from music hall comedians by rote and not actually thinking what they mean". Which is arguably racist too, but it's not because of racist VIEWS per se.

…he'd actually be great at delivering that line.