
It was very good. But I think there were better scenes in The Americans. Not of that length, though, I guess. Maybe the courtroom showdown from BCS?

It's not a great sign that the best bits of the season (LA, the woods) have been the bits that have the least direct connexion to the ostensible story (Emmit, Ray, Varga, Gloria, etc - I mean, I know they were in the woods because of that, but you could take those scenes out and put them in a totally different film

Sy drinking the poison sort of made sense - after all, sitting in front of a killer, with a ninja looming over him from behind, he doesn't have many choices. But I was sure he'd go outside and vomit it up, because anyone who didn't do that under the circumstances would be a moron. Plus it would retrospectively make

I though the end of the second season was at least a match for the end of the first season.

Next week, Liv and Peyton go on a surprise holiday to a town where, coincidentally, there was a terrible mass accident at a dominatrix convention. Peyton grows suspicious…

Just nice to know Peyton HAS a catsuit (complete with ears)…

They were just "being thorough"… after all, "you never know".

On the surface, she's zombie-neutral (want to film them), but I wouldn't be surprised if she had an ulterior motive.

The plot's pretty simple. If this is 'too much plot' for modern audiences to cope with, the world is doomed. (and clearly we can burn all the novels right away, because we won't be needing them again…). Sure, one or two things happen that are not immediately explained right away in the same episode, but I'm not

Yeah, for me it's one of those where, on the one hand, I want them to do it, because if they actually tried it could work really well… but on the other hand, I don't want them to do it, because they wouldn't actually try, and it would be terrible…

The 'real' Friends ends at the end of season 4. Seasons 5 through 7 are like mediocre fan-fiction, but they do occasionally hit upon great moments, like Pivot!, or It's the Holiday Armadillo!… 8 through 10 are just godawful, though I would still defend the finale.

Actually, I kind of liked the shark fetish jokes, because it was so weird and unexpected. The problem with late Friends was that it was generally terribly predictable. [just 'imagine what the characters would do if they were written by people who had never seen the show before but had just read one-line descriptions

OK, that was pretty good. Also, looking at the episode list for S7, I seem to remember the one with chandler's dad being pretty good? They go and see chandler's dad's show, rachel and ross go on a road trip in a porsche (rachel can't drive) and ross ends up trying to flirt with a traffic cop?

It was indeed the best-written American sitcom of the 90s. Seasons 2-3 should be studied extensively by any would-be comedy writers, and probably are.

Fantastic idea.

Divorce would be the happy ending for Chandler and Monica!

Kill two birds with one stone!

I thought that was the secret backstory to How I Met Your Mother?

First season wasn't bad, and the next couple were really good.

I could see Chandler and Monica still being together. Probably "for the sake of the kids".
[they could make a pretty good "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" or "Private Lives" couple…]