
To be fair, although the last five seasons (give or take) were terrible, the final episode was actually pretty good, or at least pretty fitting. And they nailed the last line of the show.

A reunion series would be a terrible idea.

Yeah, while I understand the impulse to want to sympathise with the immigrants, inventing giant massacres seems to weaken the case rather than strengthen it. There are plenty of other ways to show oppression that aren't so out of keeping. After all, it's not as though there haven't been plenty of people who have died


I wondered whether that might be why Wednesday cursed the forge. If "Vulcan"-brand bullets get a reputation for not working properly, maybe his worshippers move over to a new god.

Given how well Odin and Vulcan know each other, and particularly considering that Odin brought Vulcan soma, I wonder if the Indo-European pantheons are all the same? [soma was the traditional offering drink of the Indo-Iranians, as seen in Vedic and Avestan rituals - albeit originally borrowed, with Indra, from the

But do any of them star Dame Judi Dench and Vin Diesel? That's the D&D group I want to watch…

Maybe he was just whimsical.

I really liked Liv remembering she's actually (almost) a doctor in that scene… I mean sure, she mostly said it to get the guy away from the zombie, but it's nice to hear her mention the thing she used to be obsessively over-achieving about…

I'd certainly like, at last once, for the brain effects to be completely not what they expected because the person's superficial characteristics weren't what really mattered about them…

No need to be so graphic!
But that is an interdimensional slash crossover I'd not heard about before.

Bah humbug. 3e is D&D now? When I were a lad it were all THAC0s and… whatever other characteristics 2nd had. Initiative rolls, or were they still there in 3e? A pointlessly complicated skills and knowledge system that nobody bothered with? The absence of 'feats', at least.

Huh. Don't tend to think of the expression that way.

Bah. Way too symmetrical. d10s are made of kites!

Maybe she just doesn't have a d10 on her. A d20 is a perfectly acceptible substitute: each 1 is 5%, then roll again with each 5 being 1%. Since the first roll didn't get her over 95%, there was no point rolling a second time.

The setting could just be relatively gold-scarce, with recommended prices scaled down accordingly.

I think the hunters would indeed want to provoke him into fozm in public.

Thrown out of the military on a dishonourable discharge, changed his name and started up a private contractor instead.

It does seem much too convenient that they just told us she would be in the helicopter and then it exploded off-screen. Unless they can't afford to film in front of a real helicopter?

Yep, I used to know someone who kept a d20 on him for minor decision-making.