
Peyton never has fun.

The worrying thing isn't 'covfefe'… it's the fact that, no matter what that word was meant to be, there's no way that's even a sentence. And then he went to bed. I mean, imagine he spelled it correctly - he still sent a tweet saying "despite the negative press coverage,"… and then not realised that that wasn't a

My stupidly long hyperthetical aside: the diseases it most reminds me of are leprosy and rabies.

Not a doctor here, but it kind of looks like some sort of hyper-infectious prion disease, so mad-cow-gone-mad, sort of thing?
- the infecting agent is ultra-small, able to pass through a condom. Ravi calls it a 'virus', but he could be speaking loosely. Prions are very small, much smaller than viruses.
- the main

True, that was humorous phrasing. If nothing else, I suspect that everyone there speaking Greek would have been a give-away. Likewise, they were aware that Tunis, Damietta, Portugal, etc, weren't actually Jerusalem. My point was that they're examples of cases where people set out to attack one place, X, decided to

Liv cheats, though, by not actually being undead. She's just got a weird disease…

Although to be fair, Bast and Sekhmet, the cat (/lion) goddesses were associated with death too, as the goddesses of war, slaughter, and drunken revelry (though Bast had to become a protector goddess to avoid merging with Sekhmet).
(they did eventually merge, and with a whole heap of other goddesses, and ended up as,

"Realistically", I think that among our new gods there'd be a distinction between Mr. World, as the embodiment of The Global System, corporatism, economics, finance, the invisible hand, Network's 'primal forces of nature', etc, and his brother (sometime ally, sometime rival), The Man, who would be the embodiment of

You'd think that, but then remember that one of the Crusades accidentally attacked Constantinople instead. And iirc another Crusade failed to get any further than Tunis. And come to think of it, wasn't there a Crusade that got confused and ended up in Portugal instead? Warfare in ye olden days was a much more

I think if Blair had gone away sometime around 2001, he could have been remembered as great. New Labour did do great things when they came in… and then they just kept doing the same things again and again. Like, the introduction of much more stringent targets in the public sector. That actually worked really well. But

It's disturbed me for years that Americans don't seem to realise what a piece of shit Piers Morgan is. I mean, they may not like him, but for years, they treated him like he was, I don't know, almost like a human in some way.

The problem with Ponzi schemes is that you really can't stop. Running a Ponzi scheme is like trying to ski on an avalanche - even if you somehow stay on top, eventually you run out of mountain.

Darn it, America has too many big empty dry places to keep them all straight…

Well, he knows Science, and computers work by Science, so it's all the same thing basically.

Gypsy and Killer Frost would actually make a good couple. With a little less Killing. Not much less Killing though, since Gypsy is basically a near-merciless serial killer herself (albeit a government-funded one).

Because Savitar…. ok, no, I can't even think of a reason why he'd be able to find her everywhere. He's quick, he's not omniscient.

Although he does also have super-ultra-mega-fast regeneration, which surely isn't natural.
But that would require the writers to be consistent for at least five minutes, and that would require them to give a shit about their show, which I think it's clear they no longer do.

Really? In the UK, it's very easy to have someone sectioned, particularly for short-term "observation" (up to a month) rather than long-term "treatment".

More strategically, if Chuck IS going to go after Jimmy in the future, he's got to deal with the fact that his brother can stick him in a mental institution whenever he wants. So whether it's seeking treatment, or persuading her that he's already better, he's somehow got to get that doctor to not be willing to sign

Why? It's hardly bizarre to postulate a SF scenario centuries from now when, just perhaps, central governments are less powerful than now. Nor that, perhaps, some country somewhere in the world (or on another world - remember, one of the employees is an alien!) might be willing to adopt lower standards of employee