
So far she's not had much screentime, but it's been a actor's dream role in terms of range.

I have to feel sorry for Crawley. It must be hard for him in real life, on the basis of this evidence. If he accidentally smiles a little too much, or tilts his head, I imagine everybody around him just starts screaming and running. Because that's what I'd do if I met someone who acted like

Of course, there may be reasons why shows like The Flash don't make "I raped my mother and her boyfriend at the same time!" the origin story for their heroes…

I'm not sure that trope has EVER worked…

Yes, absolutely. In S1, the first eight episodes were teasing, with Wells shown to be suspicious in e.1, and with RF glimpsed in e.6 and then fully revealed to us (but not the characters) in e.9. In e.15, RF hits top gear, reveals himself and (some of) his plan and murders Cisco… until Barry undoes it all. Barry

And one day somebody might just put up one of these posters somewhere where it might actually be seen by at least one person who didn't already vote against Trump…

40 years from now, the Youth are going to be watching their hip, edgy police procedurals and mocking the elderly for continuing to watch the same old cookie-cutter superhero shows…

But they've got a massive potential cast of characters, many of whom haven't been seen at all, and most of the rest of whom have only appeared in the background as Wolverine did stuff. Given that they don't appear to care about time period or continuity, it's a vast canvass that they've only touched one corner of, so

It's his polite way of saying "I'll be in any GOOD X-Men things that happen to turn up, but no more of these rubbish films, I'm too old for this shit."

Yes - I didn't realise it had changed at first.

Well, it kind of is. They can't just wave a magic wand. The USSR achieved massive economic progress at a remarkable rate, and the fact that things still weren't great has to be seen in the context of where they'd come from.

They kind of did, though. They gradually revealed that Welles was RF, but took a fair length of time.

Reverse Flash and Savitar are both future time travellers doing their equivalent of 'Killing Baby Hitler'…

I was just distracted by why he was kind of fat now.

That's not fair!
Sometimes it's Joe who Believes In Him.
Or Cisco.
In the past it was occasionally Caitlyn, but she's too busy finding a love interest now.

But if the female characters weren't being constantly murdered and re-murdered to motivate the hero, what good would they be!?

Well, apparently people don't know that iZombie exists…

Oh no we're not!

Other way around - the father is buying the son-in-law. Dowry is given from the wife's family to the husband - money to take the woman off their hands.
[To us, bride price (the opposite of dowry), where the husband buys the wife, sounds barbaric. But it tends to be associated with more freedom for the wife. For one

OK, they need to stop switching Wellses and switch Wally. I want comically misogynist Wally!
He'd not actually be any more misogynist than the current Wally, but he'd be a lot funnier about it.