
I do have to feel for her over GoT, though. I don't think they ever said exactly what was wrong with her for the role - it's not as though her replacement is a particularly great actress, after all (no offence to her). I seem to remember there was a suggestion she was too soft and innocent for the role? But you'd

She was, yes. But no, that's almost certainly not her 'genuine' accent. That's an accent you only ever hear on American TV shows. [And she and I are from exactly the same part of the country only a few years apart, so it's not a regional thing. I'd be really surprised if that's what she sounds like in real life.]

It's a sufficiently well-known ship type that even the DEO on Earth, a backwater, has complete specs and control systems on file, and its destination is just "where we came from".

I was going to be annoyed, incidentally, that this episode, which isn't even the best in the season in my opinion, would be given the hallowed, never-seen straight A grade that so few episodes ever get…

Nothing, she was entirely superfluous to the plot (as she usually is).

I suspect this show COULD accidentally say they were sending people to the Chateau d'If without knowing what that meant…

The countries with the most refugees in the world, as of a few years ago at least, were Iran and Pakistan.

Presumably they also conduct historical bank robberies to fund their lifestyle.

And because having your own death squads and secret spaceships avails you nothing if your targets are armed with an informative blog post.

Reminder: the President is actually an alien, who may have some nefarious ulterior motive.

To which the answer would have been, "turn around and fly back, that's what spaceships are for."

To be fair, that would actually make for some interesting material. It must be so frustrating!

Maybe she just assumes that Supergirl and Kara are lovers, and doesn't want to embarass them by raising the subject, given that they're clearly hiding it?

Presumably nobody thought to deploy a strike team to the location from which the alien spaceship just launched…

poor Mandy. Presumably she was just too traumatised by the death of that negotiator.

Making Cadmus look even more stupid than they already do. "We will hatch a complicated plan to get a list of all the aliens in the world!" - "er… couldn't we just go round up everyone in the alien dive bar? pretty sure that's where they all live…"

J'onn really needs to just plant trackers on Alex and Kara.

Every episode should have a scene of him saying something, everyone looking puzzled at how he could know that, and him just reminding them yet again "I'M A TELEPATH, REMEMBER?"

Except that he can read her mind.

Alex is the main character of the show. So J'onn was by definition wrong to obstruct her in any way…