
Because our protagonist is perfect and nobody should ever disagree with them, even when they're wrong.

Though the direct rip-off of the idea would be a little blatent if they did that.

Checking them out? This one had a damn giant alien spaceship and launching facility, while being owned by earth's greatest supervillain! How damn incompetant are the DEO? They have satellites! With cameras!

Immigrant aliens who look like white Americans and listen to stereotypical American music = good. Immigrant aliens who look like white Americans and watch Dune = potential love interests. Immigrant aliens with a slightly different skin colour = lowlifes. I can't say I was thrilled.

I would probably be enjoying Lyra more if she didn't have that bizarre accent. Is that meant to be one of those "what Americans think English people sound like?" accents? Why?

Wow - unnecessarily hiding important information that is sure to eventually be revealed anyway may create short-term relationship drama? Somebody, quick, tell the other Arrowverse shows! This is a gimmick I don't think they've used before!

This wasn't even "journalism" that she was doing. It was being a mouthpiece for a government statement. Real journalism involves actually finding things out…

Plot summary:
- everybody acts unrealistically stupidly
- this enables them to do cliché things that were predictable a mile away, despite the lack of any good reason for them
- Trump is bad
- every character deserves to be fired from their jobs, but only one of them was*.

Josh is ALWAYS the worst. His brief moments of competence are all off-screen (as at the beginning of the second episode).
However, I will admit that Josh in Take This Sabbath Day is one of the best displays of being the worst that I've seen on TV. [hungover, in fishing overalls, being yelled at confusingly by a deaf

Josh as VP would be perfect.

And honestly, leaking state secrets for idealistic reasons is how his character was always heading.

I always liked that about it, actually: when they go from devastation to jaunty theme music, it feels like it just makes it more bitter, and it ironically undercuts its sometimes excessive enthusiasm.
And for all that it's remembered now as escapist, it actually got really dark surprisingly often. And not just pivotal

Has it been renewed for a second season? Much as I'd like it to run, it sort of feels like a miniseries to me, which is also effectively what Fargo has been (a series of miniseries in adjacent genres with only the most tangential of winks to one another).

Hah. I should have scrolled down before commenting above…

That's more important than the continuity issue. Frankly I think it would be best if there were continuity, if they could keep it straight (easier said than done). But the whole point of a vast universe of widely different characters is that you're able to tell different types of story. In a way, that's part of why

Oliver too. Oliver's basically up in heaven looking down on everything going on, saying he'll try to watch out for David, so anything that we see could be seen through the eyes of Oliver.

I'm surprised they didn't raise the possibility of multiple personalities. I mean, unexplained gaps in memory accompanied by seemingly out-of-character actions? I know fake memories are more likely on this show, but you'd have thought they'd have at least considered it.

If they've gone all walking dead and given us empathetic backstory for Kerry so that they can kill her off immediately, I will be very annoyed.

Yeah, but J'onn explicitly said it was because he was a telepath. OK, he may have been joking, but…

Sarah's just come from the Waverider, so she could have any gun from the whole of history with her.