
I'd buy that. What I can't buy is that, even if he kept quiet about it, he wouldn't suspect, and wouldn't put precautions in place.

Sadly, yeah. Those pretty much are the only two options here.

Of course it's understandable. I understand it because I too have occasionally made small mistakes in the heat of the moment over the course of my life.

Grodd doesn't rule the city from the shadows, imperceptibly controlling people, making everyone doubt everyone else, taking over speedsters and other mutants to gain terrifying and unpredictable power… because that be a great season of TV.

Creepy Incest Moment of the Week: Barry proposing to his girlfriend/sister by making the food that their grandmother used to make them when they were kids together and she was the grandmother of both of them. Hey sis, remember when we used to play together at Grandma's house and she'd make us these great noodles?

The apes will certainly be a threat if Flash just RUNS INTO THEIR SHIELDS YET AGAIN.

As Janet memorably said:

Hey, Barry's doing a great job! He didn't once blurt out "you have no real purpose here, but it's nice having a girlfriend I can have sex with who I don't have to hide my secret identity from so you'll do", which must surely be his real motivation in this relationship.

I can accept weird science for Vibing, because… it doesn't exist. Who knows how it would work if it did?
Whereas cooking, that's something I think we've gotten to the bottom of already.

Because J'onn always gets his ass handed to him.

You're right, it's not like the Academy seems badly discredited.
In the list of pros and cons for the Academy, this baely even features.

To be fair, Beatty did baulk at reading it, and brought in Dunaway for a second opinion. It was Dunaway who actually read the wrong winner.

Yes! Exactly!
That works if next week Kara is deeply distressed by the way Alex abandoned her after promising not too - and doing it in a way that explicitly seemed to rewrite their history in the most cruel way possible (that 'you're either part of the family or you're not' seemed only one step from "you're only

And they have Sarah, who presumably could have grabbed a gun, and presumably could hit someone's kneecap reliably no matter how injured she was.

Somewhere, John Reese is shaking his head sadly.

Plus there's the fact that apparently she's broken a guy's nose. That might have put her off the idea of investigating more sensitive body parts.

I thought that too. But now I think she's sacrificial cannon fodder.

Actually, I may just have put my finger on what seems so weird…

There is interaction! They fight and torment each other frequently!

And if the show played it as that - Kara thinking Mon-El seems like a fun time, despite the problems - I could go with it, though it would be a change in character for Kara. But Kara/Mon-El being this big melodramatic One True Love thing is just ridiculous.