
I was pretty certain all the way through that J'onn MUST have known what was going on, or at least had some safety net in place. But now. Turns out J'onn was actually a very stupid white martian shapeshifter plant the entire time, because otherwise…

Saying "Cyborg Superman" with a straight face is difficult (and well done Harewood for doing as well as he did). But not impossible. After all, "Supergirl" isn't great either. Nor is "King Shark" or "Grodd the Gorilla" or "Captain Cold" or "Captain Boomerang".

Because 'history' doesn't make you an idiot.

It feels like there are two different sets of writers.

I'm sorry, who is this "Jimmy" character? "Guardian plot"… what's that? I don't remember there being any "Guardian" on this show…

Or more scenes i….

Particularly given that Kara's whole thing is Saving People. I know there's a bit of moral saving involved with Mon-El, helping him Transcend The Inherent Limitations Of His Inferior Race, but I think Kara would actually appreciate someone who she had to worry about a bit more.
Not sure that would be good for the show,

Yeah, but she could make up for all that lost salary with just one after-dinner-speaking engagement.

The telepathy thing is particularly egregious because it undermines the established continuity.
Does J'onn automatically hear what people are thinking, or does he have to actively, intrusively pry into their minds?
The fact he didn't notice Jeremiah was evil shows it must be the second (but even then, what a stupid plan

He was also BAFTA-nominated for his role in the iconic Bullitt.
And he was in the iconic The Towering Inferno.
And he was one of the Magnificent Seven in the iconic The Magnificent Seven.
And he was the supervillain in Superman III, which may not be any good, but is still a Superman film.

["Decisions are made by those who show up", as Bartlett said, possibly quoting somebody else]

Wait, you're suggesting there's more to politics than just prancing around on TV and seeing how many people 'like' the footage?
That there's… organisation and strategy to be done?

First rule of electoral systems: the winner almost always depends on the electoral system.
[Second rule of electoral systems: there are no good electoral systems]

It sometimes makes sense to have a single interviewee when you're doing a real interview. Parkinson used to sometimes have just one guest, when they had a lot to talk about. But since most interviews these days are fake interviews that are just "tell me that one vaguely amusing anecdote you have and then we'll

It's not that he's awful, it's that he's funny.

It wouldn't be John Sessions, surely - he already knows everything.

Hey, I'm not even American! If I were latently racist against anyone, it would be against south asians or poles or something… (not that I am, but…)

Why is that bad?
It's not "a black show" in the sense of being aimed at a specifically black audience, for instance - it's a mainstream show with a mostly white audience. So what's the problem?

So the question is just "why aren't there more shows with minority leading characters?" then? That's not really the same thing as the weird "alpha male" sexual stuff you were going on about before. In that case, the answers are a) there are some but you don't like them because you think they're "minority-centric" by

Oh, no way does Cosby have the brains or the will to be a lich. Nixon? Clearly a lich. Cheney? Possibly a lich. Cosby? Not a lich. Possibly a vampire? They can't all be stylish Europeans…