
Factually? Yes, you could restart the species from 100 people. You could restart it from far fewer than that, even - even just 2, really.*
The problem is that a) with so few people you're at the mercy of acts of god. One big accident and the species would be wiped out; and b) with only a small number of founders, you

It can be done the other way too. Deadwood is pretty much entirely serialised - some episodes have plots, but mostly they just show you an hour or so of the ongoing arc, and end seemingly randomly.

Unfortunately, I don't think Onlymaimsthemnow Frost can work as a hero, because of all the energy they've put into overpowering her. I mean, she took the superspeed away from Savitar! It's hard to see how anything would be threatening if she could use her powers without the threat of going mysteriously evil.

They could have made it make sense. "Killer Frost makes things cold because she consumes energy constantly. She is constantly hungry for energy. Humans have the most energy because of their life force / soul / technobabble about why human lives are different, so Killer Frost has a perpetual hunger to devour the energy

I think it's OK a few times. When it's the writers going "heh, yeah, we kind of messed up there, you got us!". I liked the first one or two "haven't you fixed the locks yet?" jokes.

To be fair, it would be an audacious type of stupid. "Free Savitar, so that he can teach us how to defeat and imprison him!"

Yeah, right. "Lost". There's a reason Joe always tries to be first on the scene.

Hey, she just has a certain type….

(realistically, WWII was fought entirely between Russia and Germany. Everything on the Western Front was just a diversionary tactic. Of twelve million allied soldiers killed, 9 million were Soviet, and 2 million were Chinese. Just the Czechoslovakian soldiers killed fighting for the Germans on the Eastern Front, just

We also got the continuing adventures of Joe trying to point out to Barry that it's incest, with the continual heavy-handed "you are my SON, Barry. SON. And Iris is my DAUGHTER. And that makes you… ? No? Not getting it yet? You want a diagram?" hinting…

No, they could have one story that's 13 episodes long. No reason they couldn't. Plenty of shows have been good at that length. But if they want to do that, they need to… well, have a story.
At the moment, the Netflix Marvel shows basically set something up, eventually deal with in, and in between just… show stuff

Anyone who thinks that criminals are smart has never looked to the left and seen the lawyer making twice as much money for a fraction of the risk!

I think both halves were flawed - but the first half you could watch with hope that they were setting something up, whereas the second half was just "oh, seriously, no…"

I think JJ was the only series that really worked. Its problems were just being a bit long and a bit slow and not really having worked out what it wanted to do in every episode - whereas DD2, LC, and to a lesser extent DD1 all felt to me like they made serious mistakes that really undermined them. Having said that, if

I suspect that it's because flintlocks reached east asia later, and maybe because when they got there the old feudal structure hadn't collapsed yet. Whereas feudalism (with its ideology of a warrior class) died much earlier in the West. And maybe also the fact that there was greater government control in the West

Well, at least M'gann going means they might dial down some of the overt racism.
Seriously, I know her people have done some pretty unpleasant things, but it would be good if she - or anyone else around her! - could just accept the idea that it's not impossible for a white martian to be good (or non-genocidal, at

This is one of the things that I've always disliked about American comedies: the actors act like standup comedians telling jokes.
There are exceptions, of course, in both directions, but there's always been a strong tradition in the UK of using serious dramatic actors to do comedy, and have the writing be funny - that

I don't know enough about the original comics characters, really. But I'd note that even if he doesn't remember Krypton, and thus isn't personally motivated by its loss, the fact that he's a Magic Orphan does, as it were, give him points in the magic entitlement bank. The basic rule, I think, is that a

That's a good point, I hadn't thought of it like that. James comes off as whiny and entitled because his case is basically "punching crooks makes me feel good!". OK, yeah, he also adds that, you know, it makes the world a better place, somehow, but basically it seems his motivation is that a) it seemed like it would

I think every episode now I'm just shrugging when I see the villain of the week and thinking "meh, Killer Frost could kill her at pretty much any moment." But she never does.