
There's a magical force in the Flash universe that not only continually changes the rules of time travel, but also continually wipes people's memories so they remember the conversations they just had about how time travel works just an episode ago…

Well, she's breaking the rules to save her own reputation, by lying to her bosses.
If the team don't let her do it that way, she could always break different rules instead. Like… killing everyone in the team.

The show seems to think it's sexy? They seemed to lean into that pretty hard this week, with Joe calling Barry his son and then immediately, a second later referring to Iris as his daughter and how she's dating Barry… as though he were trying to gently hint? And they even put a clip of Joe emphasising that he thinks

Anyone remember parallel universe vampire Willow coming on to human Willow? Way more chemistry than she had with Oz. Or Tara. Or Kennedy.

I don't think she can be blamed for the US version of Life on Mars, that seems a little harsh…

Yes, there's a good argument why James is different from Oliver.
But Kara did not make that argument, she made a different one, which was bad.

But frankly I'd be more impressed if the show were willing to actually embrace that problem. Aliens should be alien sometimes - people can understand they should feel bad about genocide, and if, because of the lack of human faces, they actually feel less bad than they think they should feel, well, that's an

And complaining about Mon-El being reckless? Supergirl's entirely modus operandi is to blindly rush into danger without considering the risks to herself or others. Which is OK, a superhero can be like that, but when she then turns around and criticises others for the same fault with no self-awareness and the show

Which is exactly why James' storyline is so terrible (aside from the fact that he's James, and he's bland and dull and it's all totally out of character).

If it's a reference at all (it probably isn't, it's a common enough turn of phrase), it's probably more likely to Yes, Minister:

If it's a reference at all (it probably isn't, it's a common enough turn of phrase), it's probably more likely to Yes, Minister:

HR specifically says they need income, not that they need money.

Lots of people thought it might be purgatory. Don't know if anyone thought it was actually hell.

Thanks for that!

I'm only a layman, but what I'd like to see is something like "Best Music Direction", which could incorporate things like "picking the best bits of music" (whether that's old or new) and "getting the best performance of the music" (whether that's licensing an original or commisioning a cover).

To be fair, he's unbearably smug in TNG too. It's just that there the show is sort of built to take advantage of it…

I was really disappointed neither supervillain immediately said "Spear of Destiny? Yes, I know about that, it was the lesser-known sequel to 'Wolfenstein 3D'"…

I thought there was a bomb. That way they'd tragically kill of Joe's girlfriend as well…

I would instantly like the show more if they introduced steampuunk cyborg street magician iris.

All powers make you evil, except for Vibe powers. Nobody would ever suggest that Vibe/Reverb powers could make you evil…