
I never realized Ray's surname started with a "P" until this episode

thank god. her character has so much potential and they've been wasting her for seasons…

his campaign photo really captures all his worst features

haven't seen it yet but you had me at "gorgeous young men"

some weeks I can hardly remember why i'm watching this show

so boring

did anything actually happen in this episode? Jessa finally got some real scenes. If they let hannah and adam get back together in the season finale I will be seriously disappointed with this show. That already happened. And it isn't interesting. Let it go and give us something else to care about…

so glad they decided to rebirth agustin this season. Eddie has consistently been one of the best parts of this season…and also the role fits Franzese naturally…I was confused that Eddie wasn't more interested in the rentboy drama…did they already cover this?

doesn't he know that the finale's coming up!!!!????

None of the "main" three characters had any scenes together in this episode. Patrick is such an idiot for moving in with Kevin who he "loves." He has an amazing, beautiful rent controlled apartment and he's going to move into a terrible glass shaft of nothingness condo with a man who will either cheat on him or get

Patrick asking if Dr. Sapirstein had adjusted his mom's meds was a Rosemary's Baby reference (pretty sure)…

for sure. pitch perfect comparison to Nadine tinkering with the drapes!

it's all on youtube now. please get hooked!

alien jesus i've always known I loved you. I'm too young to have seen the original run, but when I first heard about this show I watched as much as I could get my hands on (25 eps.) and had been googling weekly for signs of more. Someone has put it all on youtube in the past weeks, which keeps getting in the way of

me!? ICP brought it up, not innocent ol' snail…this show can't get cancelled. It's totally getting my mom to normalize gayness…

I know I for one am an intensely insufferable lil bitch.

Bella, you're freaking me out

The she and him argument was some really on the nose writing

what were kevin and brady doing in the bathroom if he wasn't barfing?

hopefully patrick and kevin will get fired