
but don't forget, patrick is a "fun gay"

definitely starting to appreciate brady's presence, but I have a feeling he will not be staying with us much longer

only you! love upstairs at eric

What third season!?

that's a really dumb app idea

marnie and desi getting engaged was dumb maybe their plane can crash on their way to their honeymoon. Reviewer somehow forgot to write about Shoshanna's slimy vagina

the last scene with the parents around the table and hannah not letting her mother speak somhow gave me weird mary hartman mary hartman vibes

Desi saying he wouldn't marry until his gay cousin Dustin could was a reference to Lena Dunham's own stance on the matter

off camera tho for some strange reason

agreed but i for one could use some elijah plotlines

you can be the co-…I'll be in the backseat

you can drive me wherever you want alien jesus

what is elijah even doing all the time? he's just an intermittently present commentator, sort of removed entirely from the plot

i think the easiest solution would be to just ask him if he'd allow you to join

of course, but that's why i wish the writers would put more effort into her instead of making her bitterness the only aspect of her personality

why the hell would anyone be so passionate about a chicken window

the image of doris having sex with george michael

sure, but the way they broke up in the flowershop was so brief and light….I feel like they didn't really provide enough precedent

I could have actually cared about Lynn

most attractive characters imho ;/