
Part of me is glad this is over but that also makes me feel 😑. Still surprised i care about Patrick at all

I hate to say it but I know rabbis that would endorse this display

And then he wondered aloud why his football scheme wasn't working…

And the topic only came up bc Patrick stumbled upon his grindr profile (conveniently). Dumb idea for a profile headline Kev

i would've up-voted this comment if you had

and the setting! someone actually wrote this episode without simultaneously cruising facebook

looking? sup

Hannah's facial expressions when she was rejecting adam were really fantastic. Lena can act so well when the plot supports her. I have to say that I have hardly any excitement or patience left for season 5 but I'll probably end up watching it. WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERYONE THAT 6 MONTH JUMP LEFT EVERYTHING OPEN ENDED NOW…

it felt especially weird to see marnie play pete's candy store where I've seen so many performances. There's actually no backstage area though. Lol, just saying.

so happy to see another decent use of Jessa! her sister(s?) is actually a doula. Not sure how long she's going to last as a social worker before she burns out but I'm excited to see what that looks like

agree with some of this, but think they're both to blame because they didn't discuss their relationship in any proper detail before moving in together which is just dumb

binge-watching the richie show in my imagination right now

this party is so ku klux klan

pix or didn't happen

Another episode where none of the "main" characters share a scene.
Not enough Eddie
Everything ended ambiguously but I really hope that we get a third season and that patrick dumps kevin and richie rejects patrick (because he really deserves it)
Was anyone else put off by the "middle aged lesbian thing"? I know what he…

I don't mind them being horrible. I wish they'd be more horrible

no trace is right. they totally disregarded season 1

who is this benevolent alien that is possessing my ex's little body?

Lol he just needs to get out of north brooklyn. If he went back to his old prospect heights ways he'd be fine

have you finished it?? I've been binging so hard. I'm up to episode 118 and this is truly one of the finest programs I have ever experienced. The range of emotions I can experience in watching a single episode is remarkable. I'm going to see how far I get but I don't see myself getting unhooked any time soon.