
While Bloom might be able to look like Karen Starr, I haven't seen her play a part like that. She may well be able to, but I don't know what her range is.

While the show is called "The Present", Barry's discussion of his time trip was a lot more reminiscent of Scrooge's encounter with the Ghost of Christmas Future: "Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of things that May be, only?''

Yeah, Doctor Alchemy has been using the Philosopher's Stone since 1958. Though in the comics it was (at least initially) used for its traditional power of matter transmutation, rather than to give people superpowers.

To be fair, the Legends haven't yet shown the ability to do interplanetary travel. They might be able to, but thus far they've just been shown in Earth orbit. (And anyway, it's only possible to contact them while they're traveling in time during crossovers.)

And Doctor Alchemy always used the Philosopher's Stone in the comics. But it wouldn't surprise me if they cast Felton in part due to the HP connection.

To be fair, Wally is faster than Barry was when he'd had powers as long as Wally has, not faster than Barry now.

What's the resolution, though? Team Flash goes to jail for kidnapping and false arrest? It's generally not a good idea to lean too hard on the flimsier conventions of a story unless there's some idea where to go with it.

Don't worry— instead of dying, Iris's soul will be taken to the 30th century by her secret real parents and reembodied. Barry will get engaged to someone else, who Savitar will also try to kill, and Barry will kill him in her defense. He'll spend two seasons in jail for killing Savitar (but regularly emerge as the

The newspaper doesn't mean he didn't reappear a week or a year later.

I actually prefer "same powers, different style" for that sort of thing. (E.g., one's a planner, one's a bruiser, one's acrobatic, one's dives in over his head immediately, etc.)

Except for Oliver, who can thus stand out by contrast.

I'm really hoping they stick with Kara and Barry as good friends who each think the other is the bomb without even thinking of one another romantically, even to reject it. It's such a refreshing change from the rest of the CWverse.

and could even end with Supergirl a part of the ame universe at the end

Rebooting at the drop of a hat is a plague upon the genre, second only to treating death as a revolving door. (Looking at you in particular, "Arrow".) It completely eliminates any sense of stakes and frequently cuts developing stories off at the knees. Over time, it selects for viewers who can keep three versions

To be fair, the initial reveal left open the implication that Sulu had been gay in both timelines. (There are about twenty seconds of footage between TOS and TAS that imply otherwise, since mostly the issue just didn't come up re Sulu.)

Though it wouldn't shock me if the writer of that scene had seen the Rocketeer. (But of course that was playing off any number of straight "criminal but not unpatriotic" bits. Including the real-world help the Mafia gave in WWII to help prepare the invasion of Italy.

Since it's not purely genetic (identical twins aren't always the same orientation) it's presumably contingent on something(s), which could in principle be changed by time travel altering history. On the other hand, just because something's in part developmental or environmental or whatever doesn't mean it doesn't get

Especially since negative longitude is a common convention for west longitude (with positive for east), since it makes calculations easier. And why would aliens use our longitude? (Unless they got it from the same source as gematria, I guess.) And what's conceivable logic puts negative longitude in space, anyway?

That's actually a closer fit for this genre. But I have to admit I was thinking of mob boss Eddie Valentine in The Rocketeer turning on the Errol Flynn-like Neville Sinclair, just revealed to be a German spy:

Bets that the key involves the mysteriously failed first incursion back in the 1950s?