
"But… couldn't we at least put a locked door on the pod room?"

Clark has had four live action TV series already. He can stick to recurring guest for this one.

Kryptonians are very sensitive to air currents. It's part of how they rock those capes so well.

Hey, it's the one dream that could still come true!

It was actually a bit like Batman's dream in "For the Man Who Has Everything".

Though Thea would be trying to be… some sort of lady-king? Probably there's some heraldic term for it.

I was hoping it meant he cut a deal with the Dominators or had a larger part in the main story somehow.

I'm going to put my marker down on the heroes not turning to the biological warfare agent that was treated as a crime against humanity (well, alienity) in "Supergirl".

There's no evidence that other timelines continue to exist at this point. They might, but everyone's working theory appears to be that timeline changes overwrite things.

Right. He remembers the previous situation just like Barry remembers pre-Flashpoint. Though the memory episodes he's getting will hopefully eventually overlay memories of his new life, because it would be horrible for his daughter for her beloved father to suddenly not know her at all.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that "it's okay your family member's dead because you never liked him" has never cut ice with anyone ever.

Barry! okay sure I'll go with you to battle aliens, but I won't tell my cousin why or where I'm going. Because why would they need Superman?

Right. Kara has flight, super-senses, and powers that work over a distance. Even if Barry is faster (something they've been as carefully ambiguous about as the pre-Crisis DCU was) she can potentially corner him, use obstacles to get a line on him while he can't see her and then emerge to tag him with heat vision,

It's a general superhero thing, but very much seen with Superman et al. The first season of Justice League is notorious for going so often to showing something as a threat by having it take down Superman that it made him look like the weakest member of the team. (See also "The Worf Effect".)

"…because she secretly is one." Probably not something anyone wants to analogize to a real-world politician.

Rip mentioned early in LoT something to the effect that they gave up trying to police speedsters, because it just doesn't work. Obviously a handwave to keep the Time Masters (when they were a going concern) out of consideration on the Flash, but probably still applicable.

They haven't turned off the "ignore speedsters— there's nothing you can do and it'll just drive you nuts" filter.

I hope someone remembers often enough to pay the taxes on it. (Somehow, since neither STAR Labs nor Barry is currently generating income. HR's idea would at least help with that.)

1938 was the year Superman debuted.

The post-battle Never Have I Ever game will be fun when they get to "tried to change the timeline for my personal benefit".