Juan Hunoz

I know you are, but what am I?

I'm sure Baywatch was among them.

Just ask Al Capone.

Like the window Judy King left open?

I also liked the use of the term "Connecticunt" which I've applied to the members of my old crew who fled to the Nutmeg State from good old Brooklyn.

"I was really confused why Yoga Jones was so upset at the Nazis for being outside smoking…" Rewatch the scene: Although it was a plot device to catch Mrs. King's attempted escape, Ms. Jones explains the prison takeover a/k/a "riot" could only succeed if the building were under lockdown with everyone inside. To…

Maybe a 10 year long semi-colon.

It's a shame The A.V. Club doesn't exert as much effort in copy editing their own articles. (I'm not a Trump fan; it's just distracting as hell to see all the errors in the articles here.)


Of course, because they're two-faced.

No mention of Ravi's new friend (Rachel?) who joins him at the shooting range as they await the 100,000 viewer mark?? Is she really pro- or anti- zombie?

Too late.

Your criticism seems to be that the show's plot is different from the book. "Different" doesn't always equate to "terrible."

Please forgive my ignorance of Islam, but Allah isn't omnipresent like other deities?

You just can't enjoy it for what it is?

It came to mind when the sheriff told the same story of Ray's death as when Varga set it up, i.e., she couldn't take any more of his physical abuse. Too on the money.

I'm very surprised they lasted this long.

No love for the overhead symmetry at the attempted IRS audit?

It wasn't the stamp that killed him; it was the ease of getting it back and ending the feud.

I took it at face value that Archer would just go on with his life and wouldn't return to the cemetery. This was his final farewell to Woodhouse.