Juan Hunoz

Not to mention breaking up the lead couple.

Truth in advertising?

I 'member.

Am I the only one who gets taken out of the scenes in the Court of Owls when I see the people in dress clothes wearing those ridiculous masks?

Michael wasn't a Gospel writer; they were Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. #parochialschooleducation

Posted in accident

Gonna have to go with Wonderful Christmastime on that one.

Why couldn't Kara just destroy her end of the portal to stop its side effects/ultimate purpose?

Mazel Tov!

I've been calling this series Fuck Chuck ever since last season's finale.

Was anyone else reminded of the "missing strawberries" scene from The Caine Mutiny when Chuck lost his shit? Yes, I'm old…

Cat is correct, sir!

It was the DoppelBruce sanity claws that got her.

"…wiped off of the face of the Earth?" at Mr. Trump's decree?

Not "an entire Industry," any given recording device.

But there's a bathroom on the right.

It may also turn out to be monumentally significant.

I thought Gus telling Mike "…at THIS time" related more to Mike's proposed method of death than his timing: "A bullet to the head is too humane."

Never mind.

When did Gabe lose his prosthetic hand and get it replaced with a real one?