Juan Hunoz

Bully for you!

So I guess there's such a thing as being too user-friendly?

Probably not, but he can Tweet like a bird.

Tax write off - business expense.

Was that a “Feminine hygiene deployed as a weapon.” reference?

Apologies if this was mentioned earlier, but Ravi's "6:00 a.m. Saturday" deadline for Blaine's memory return was just an estimate since Blaine was the first test subject for the memory serum. It's waaay too early to rule out Blaine's getting his memory back and the consequences thereof.

Yeah, they may have been dealing with Buddha.

Not knowing the details of his contract with FoxNews, I can't help but wonder if (and how much) they paid him off to go away quietly.

Blaine is the only viable (i.e., human) subject to test the memory restoration serum on since he is the only human subject who survived "Zombie Cure #2" and claimed to have amnesia. Whether or not he reverts to "criminal Blaine" remains to be seen.

Season 3

Can we re-title this season Fuck Chuck?

Please accept my condolences.

Marijuana might help with that condition.

No love for "Waste not, want not" with the brain in the middle?

Clarification, please, Mr. T: During National Sexual Assault Awareness Month are we supposed to grab more or less pussy?

Can't agree with that. Every episode gets better & better IMHO.

Maybe because he was getting it from himself?

If Lyra's race is invisible to Earth cameras, how can we see her and her brother in the show?

The anti-Night of the Living Dead.

Agree 100%. The "subplot involving a TSA agent" was anything but "needless."