Juan Hunoz

Gee, if there were only some way you couldn't click to get here…free will or something like it. Nah…that's just science fiction.

That was a good one, @Fake Socks!!

Weekends aren't vacations, otherwise most of us would have 52+ per annum.

And that's what you get on the news when Trump takes a vacation.

Welcome to 2017 where "too stupid to be real" is taken as a challenge.

Puh-leeze! Will somebody please hit him with a "Your 15 minutes are up" hammer?

Incompetence and dishonesty should be tolerated at the highest level of government? I think not.

11/8/16 - A date that will live in infamy.

"innuendo" - The Italian word for suppository?

"… does anyone really want to spend a single minute of this Kevin James show thinking about death?"

That qualifies.

You misspelled "Obama."

Ask Eugene how much good there was in the voice.

Ever been touched by a soulless bastard?

This English minor must agree.

Dumb as dirt.

"…have taken away all my rights EXCEPT the right to enjoy high-definition streaming programs on my televisions, computers, and mobile devices…" Wait 'til they kill net neutrality.

The Flintstones covered "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should."

It was Caputo's office. They were searching for Piscatella's personnel file for dirt.

Herve's favorites were de plain, de plain!