Juan Hunoz

I missed any "supernatural component" the reviewer mentioned? Can anyone elucidate?

They only acted as servants when Chris arrived; otherwise, they were "part of the family."

Definitely bingeworthy (necessary?) at the end.

No mention of Dr. Kissinger and why they abandon him in his cell? Is he part of D3?

Gotta agree on the callbacks.


Gotta disagree with "Smiley Face is an example of a great comedy…" Everything bad that happens to the protagonist is a result of her ingesting weed. Smiley Face is better as a cautionary tale that should shown to impressionable youngsters to illustrate the "dangers" of marijuana use.

Perhaps an homage to Stephen?

I think it's spoiler text. < spoiler >spoiler text< /spoiler >" - remove spaces before/after < and >.

Ya think?

I saw it more simply as a red "L" (for Legion) symbol, but "square peg in a round hole" works too.

"It's cool. I have a shield."

Especially in IMAX

Oddly, no mention of The Thing alien flame test in the review? Hmmm…

Sorry I missed it then; I would've called "bullshit" earlier.

"Questionable" is a charitable description.

So Livewire "could've killed Supergirl?" Color me old school, but unless there was Kryptonite in that electricity, Supergirl's life wasn't in danger.

Is "snowflakes" supposed to be some kind of insult? Somebody 'splain to me, please.

Pretty sure that's a drumstick.

And how did he get it back when he escaped jail?