Juan Hunoz

Or vice-verse.

Um, yeah…

Except Bullock.

And that, students, is a classic example of "Chekhov's drool."

You are correct, sir/madam/whatever.

November 8th, anyone?

What's a "Yoot?"

This too shall pass.

Proving once again you're never too old to drop acid.

And I thought they had four legs and forelegs.

"…and we declined to cover season two." doesn't mean all that much since the A.V. Club declined to cover many other (quality) shows this past season.

Which part of "(Note: This is a review of The OA’s finale, so consider yourself warned of spoilers.)" was illegible at the top of the review?

Hope you don't get blisters.

But where is the ambiguity?

Unless you find "heart failure" at the age of 89 sordid,

I don't 'member.

Anyone think that by going back to change the past, the title character created an alternate timeline called the "Ashpoint?"

Kilborn was a self-centered, shallow asshole on TDS. Stewart gave it a POV and a reason to tune in to each show, or "daily" if you will.

But how dumb/unobservant can Derek's sister be to wheel the kidnapped baby up to the house with 2 trespassers in the yard raising all kinds of noise?

I thought the same thing. God help 'em if an actual threat invaded their colony.