Juan Hunoz

The mascot roaming at night was pretty weird, but the school bus trolling the streets at night was just as weird to me.

You misspelled "Bern."

Um, to pretend you're hip and open to the electorate?

At least that took some skill.

Which is more racist: Having a stereotypical black puppet or turning a training class suggestion into implementing a free (slave) labor force? Discuss among yourselves.

A stiff beercan has no conscience.

Did I miss it or has nobody in Litchfield management noticed that one of their CO's has gone missing/murdered/fertilizer?

Are those pesky kids still playing on your lawn? Relax and have a hot cocoa.

Groucho Marx and Bugs Bunny would like a word.

I also find that King loses enthusiasm toward the end of many of his works where he just says "Screw it, they all got blown up."

Ka is a wheel.

Nearly the whole show was mirrors.

Because it received the same attention his family gave it.

Release date should read May 20th.

"Signature Lack of Focus" - good name for a band.


Random statement indicating I didn't read the review.

What proof reader?

While I agree that King's endings are usually weak (it's as though he got bored with the project at hand and just wanted to get it over with), I thought the ending to The Dark Tower was fitting and foreshadowed repeatedly along the way: "Ka is a wheel."

Thanks ofr the spoiler.