Juan Hunoz

That bridge has been crossed.


The Kryptonians may have had advanced technology, but they were sorely lacking linguistically: no contractions?!?

I like the song, but I can't hack Iris DeMent's nasal vocal.

Nobody (I'm looking at you, Gordon) raised an eyebrow that one of Gotham's bigger crime kingpins was a house guest of a GCPD forensic scientist?

The older sister from That 70's Show.

She was doomed the moment Gordon complimented her.

For $200, Alex?

Latke's wife Simka on Taxi.

After last week, Selena doesn't look like she needs much mentoring. She'll do whatever's necessary to survive.

TV's black man rule notwithstanding, they couldn't have telegraphed Jerome's impending doom once he left with Blaine if they put a bulls eye, skull & crossbones and grim reaper with scythe on his back.

"That’s the Mike Bloomfield Super Session cover of Donovan’s “SEASON OF THE WITCH” …"

Am I the only one who thinks that this is Dennis's worst season? He used to be the (relatively) sanest one, but Charlie seems to be grabbing that title.

I loves my Cherry Garcia.

As they said in olden times: "They're all over the place…like horseshit."

What are these "copy editors" you speak of?

Charlie's masterful handling of the entire insane situation had me thinking throughout the show that the payoff would be "it was all a [Charlie wish-fulfillment] dream." When it wasn't, I could only respond: "Kudos to you, Charlie, you saved the day."

Unless Red Skelton's part was in drag in Neptune's Daughter, he played a masseur, not a masseuse,

Exactly! That was some other city's Psycho Pete.

You can't copyright titles.