Juan Hunoz

She would make a good lumberjack.

There are "best characters?"

What's more adorable than a boozy baby?

Only in Canada.

Women can be funny, just not these women.

I don't think the Spin Doctors knew (or cared) if they were dressed.

I Wanna Hold Your…er, never mind.

There are cameras everywhere these days. I'd be surprised if Lip skips on this little escapade.

I bet you say that to all the boys…

I dated a girl like that once…once.


That's what she said.

You want the (potentially) most decent guy on the show to renege on his word? For the love of God, why?

I think the word "platonically" is officially banned from the Shameless writers' bible.

"…probable genre masterpiece, I, Frankenstein? " Only if you're into video games on the big screen.

Fish doesn't sleep with the fishes. Hooray!

In Russia it gets you.

I would've ranked Peter Gabriel a little higher, but I can see your rationale for putting it there on your list.

I've been there.

Nay, it is the semi-gibberish spam we deserve.